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Four Cornerstones of Digital Strategy: Improve participation and grow your sport nationally - Part 4

View all · 13 Jul 2018 · revolutioniseSPORT

This article is the last in a series of four articles exploring the Four Cornerstones of Digital Strategy. You can read the previous article here.


"We use technology, but to be honest with you, it's pretty rubbish."

This is the message repeated loud and clear by peak sporting bodies nationwide when asked about their use and understanding of digital technology in sport. Our analysis of over 150 governing bodies in Australia indicates that Australian sport is in the midst of change - a paradigm shift where governing bodies are no longer content with a technology solution that is "good enough". Sports are coming to grips with the fact that they must have a cohesive strategy to unify the direction of their digital assets.

Digital strategy is more than just 'having a Facebook'; it's about knowing how and when to use your digital assets, and being able to draw meaningful and measurable analytics to grow your sport in line with your strategic plan.

Here, we explain how sports can gain the understanding and practical tools to implement the four cornerstones of successful digital strategy:

1. Collecting meaningful data from your members

2. Analysing and drawing insights from membership data

3. Maximising the reach and impact of social media

4. Building a strong, integrated and professional website

Cornerstone #4: Website Integration

Your website is the first port of call for prospective and existing members looking to engage with your sport. It is your information hub and the professional face of your organisation. It needs to be clear, consistent, and easy to navigate.

But in reality, not everyone is, or can engage, a fully-fledged web developer. This leads to the well-intentioned board member with basic web knowledge building a home-grown website for their sport - but when that person moves on, that website is stuck in freeze-frame, with no one able (or willing) to step in to maintain it.

The end result is a frustrated prospective member and a poor perception of your sport. Being spoilt for choice in today’s sporting climate means that they can easily take their participation elsewhere.

“Organisations that are managing public investment and member interests must… reflect a greater level of professionalism.”

-- Australia’s Winning Edge, Australian Sports Commission

Below are the common problems and mistakes encountered when browsing peak body websites:

  • Content is not updated frequently - members need this week’s content first and foremost, not information about competitions held four years ago.
  • Navigation is poorly laid out - having multiple navigation tiers is not considered best practice. Two levels (primary pages & subpages) is ideal, and all links should be visible on page load (i.e. no hidden or dropdown menus).
  • Websites have no mobile equivalent or are not responsive for mobile devices.

Consider the three main points below to allow your sport to maximise your website’s full potential:

  • Looks are important - you will attract new members if your website looks professional, clean and represents your sport and brand effectively.
  • Content is key - information should be current, relevant and easily accessible, and should empower your members.
  • Integration is the future - by integrating your membership, events, merchandise, sponsors and other key aspects of your organisation under the one umbrella, you will cut down on administrative time, which will help you stay ahead of the curve in a very competitive environment.

Thanks for reading our fourth and final article in this series, Cornerstone #4: Website Integration, to learn more about building a professional, relevant and engaging online presence for your organisation.

We'll be releasing more white papers and fantastic articles by the talented team at @revolutioniseSPORT in the coming days - stay tuned!


Alex Mednis is the Managing Director at revolutioniseSPORT, the emerging market leader in online sports management in Australia. The platform services a range of grassroots clubs and peak sporting bodies, and currently supports over 130 governing bodies in Australia. To find out more, visit


Originally published on LinkedIn.