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revolutioniseSPORT delivers online sports management to 50 governing bodies

View all · 29 Jan 2016 · Australasian Leisure Management Magazine

revolutioniseSPORT has reached a major milestone in its significant market share in delivering digital sports management in Australia and New Zealand, with the platform now supporting 50 state and national governing bodies.

Their flagship 'whole of sport' platform allows national, state and grassroots sports to manage their entire business operations, from member registration and financial management to trend analysis and rich analysis of participation data.

The peak organisations who have made the switch to revolutioniseSPORT are drawn from a wide range of sports and disciplines, including gridiron football, diving, boccia, boxing, skating, skateboarding, roller derby, disabled wintersport, shotokan karate, rowing, badminton, table tennis, lacrosse, golf, wrestling, scooter and dragon boat racing.

Marking the milestone, revolutioniseSPORT Managing Director Alex Mednis is excited about the progress made by the company.

Mednis explains "we are amazed at the leaps and bounds we've made in such a short time. Just two years ago, we were operating solely in the grassroots/club market and had only just begun considering development of a 'whole of sport' solution for national sport.

"As of today, we've grown to support over 50 governing bodies and 350 grassroots organisations − and not just in Australia, but also across New Zealand, Europe, South Africa and Canada.

"This wouldn't have been possible without the encouragement and feedback we've received over the past 24 months from our client base. We look forward to continuing to provide a best-in-class service, to growing and taking our platform to new heights and capabilities, and to fostering ever-stronger relationships with sport in Australia and worldwide."

The revolutioniseSPORT client base is an immensely supportive and loyal one, and their critique of the platform speaks volumes about the business.

Diving Australia Chief Executive David Bell has been impressed with how the platform has changed the way diving manages member data nationally.

Bell comments "our method for collecting membership data was out of date (but) since moving to revolutioniseSPORT, we now have the ability to properly analyse that data from a national perspective."

At the state level, Chris Schleusener, Operations Manager of Dragon Boat Victoria, has observed the platform evolve over time, stating "we've seen the platform grow over the last two years, and the support has been phenomenal.

"We've worked closely with revolutioniseSPORT to help provide feedback to streamline and enhance the platform to better work not only for Dragon Boat Victoria, but also for our clubs and for dragon boat generally."

Of significant importance is bringing clients into the revolutioniseSPORT family in a smooth fashion.

Sharing his experience, Boxing Australia Chief Executive Paul Grogan comments "we're extremely happy with the work that has been done in achieving a national conversion for our sport onto the revolutioniseSPORT platform.

"There has only been positive feedback, and if someone had asked me to predict the possibility of such a positive outcome in such a short space of time I would have said it was unlikely.

"revolutioniseSPORT has achieved it and Boxing Australia is very grateful."

revolutioniseSPORT Creative Director Teresa Simonetti adds "to us, our clients are more than just customers.

"They're part of our growing close-knit community, helping each other in making sport more accessible, efficient and marketable.

"We're not just a technology company - we're a partner for each of the state and national sports with whom we work.

"We help ensure they're continuing to upskill in doing business in the 21st century in an intelligent and data-rich way, and they in turn provide us with their perspective and ideas drawn from their unique experiences."


Originally published in Australasian Leisure Management Magazine.