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More than 250 state, territory and national sporting organisations around Australia are now using the revolutioniseSPORT membership platform

View all · 18 Apr 2022 · revolutioniseSPORT

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA (18 April 2022)—More than 250 state, territory and national sporting organisations around Australia are now using the revolutioniseSPORT membership platform. With approximately 700 governing bodies in Australian sport, this places revolutioniseSPORT at being used by more than a third of the country. 

“We’re ecstatic by this milestone,” said Alex Mednis, co-founder and CEO of SportsGrid, the company behind the software. “We are now the clear market leader. The market share of all other vendors in Australia combined only equals under half of ours—so this is a testament to the trust that sports around Australia have placed in revolutioniseSPORT. This is as much a success for our customers as it is for us.”

From Dragon Boat to Hockey–the customers using revolutioniseSPORT are across more than 50 kinds of sport–and continue to onboard, accelerating through the pandemic and showing no signs of slowing down.

Building around a core of membership technology, but branching out into a ‘whole of sport’, revolutioniseSPORT is Software-as-a-Service platform that covers membership, events, competitions, websites, data & analytics and governance tools in one platform. 

revolutioniseSPORT is unique in the market—servicing both governing bodies with aggregate data tools for national retention and re-marketing, but also allowing full club management–all the way down to providing tools to help clubs organise their local sausage sizzle.

“It has been an incredible journey to be part of so far,” says company co-founder and Digital Director Teresa Simonetti, “all of us get up every day to make a difference in sport, and actually provide technology that works–and doesn’t cause people more headaches–which technology can tend to.”

Chief Operating Officer Nicholas Watkins agrees, “we are at the tip of the iceberg. We are incredibly grateful for our customers and to put their faith and trust in us to help improve the industry. We have so much more work to do, and we are so proud of our team–and the milestones they have achieved”

Australia has typically had a fragmented approach to sports technology, with some sports historically 8 different membership databases through the sport, or perilously building their own solutions.

“The history of sports trying the approach of ‘build your own system’ is not in anyone’s favour’, adds Mednis. “One of the biggest risks to sport at the moment is companies promising systems that won’t materialise, or having millions of dollars of investment backing that has to be repaid. If systems aren’t built for long term commercial success and for enabling customers on multi-decade journeys, it is a train wreck waiting to happen”.

Simonetti adds, “We’re in this for the long haul. We believe in our customers, we believe in our staff, and we’re looking forward to how we can improve the industry together”.

revolutioniseSPORT is the industry leader in sports management technology in Australia, servicing over 250 state and national sporting organisations—more than all other sports membership vendors within Australia combined—as well as 15,000 sporting clubs across Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Cook Islands and the Asia Pacific. For more information, visit