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revolutioniseSPORT becomes proud sponsor of Sydney University Women in Engineering

View all · 08 Mar 2022 · revolutioniseSPORT

revolutioniseSPORT has partnered with Sydney University Women in Engineering (SUWIE) in a positive step towards proactively aligning the sports technology industry with gender equity in the engineering landscape.

revolutioniseSPORT is well-versed in this domain, with women in management and directorship roles in the engineering and product spaces, and with over half of the management and coordination roles in the company held by women.

“One of the driving motivations in my role is to get more women and those who differently identify involved in engineering roles,” says Teresa Simonetti, revolutioniseSPORT’s Digital Director and lead of engineering. “We decided that one effective way to do this was to reach out to university engineering societies, to encourage the growth and development of young talent through partnerships, sponsorships, internships, and mentoring programs, in which we are actively taking a part.

“It’s more than just ‘studies have shown that more diverse teams produce better results’—which they have, but that shouldn’t be the primary reason for pushing for this. For me, it’s simply the right thing to do. It shouldn’t deserve any accolades—in fact, it shouldn’t even be news at all! But revolutioniseSPORT is doing this and making it known because we as a society are not there yet.

“We are really excited about what our partnership with SUWIE holds and we look forward to continuing to encourage the professional growth of these young people, and helping them open doors that were previously inaccessible or hard to reach.”

SUWIE aims to create a network and community that encourages diversity and inclusion. They aim to do this by hosting a range of networking and social events throughout the year to sustain a welcoming culture within the engineering faculty and the University of Sydney. Together with industry, they work to provide opportunities that support women in engineering.

“We are excited to work with revolutioniseSPORT across this year. Having the support of sponsors allows our society to run and allows our students to become interns and graduates in innovative and exciting companies. We're looking forward to sharing events and updates across the year and delivering value to our members that assists in their career trajectories,” states Madeleine Kan, Sponsorship Officer at SUWIE.

revolutioniseSPORT and SUWIE look forward to working together to explore future opportunities in the engineering space and to continue to pave the way for women within the sports technology industry.

revolutioniseSPORT is the industry leader in sports management technology in Australia, servicing over 220 state and national sporting organisations—more than all other sports membership vendors within Australia combined—as well as 14,500 sporting clubs across Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Cook Islands and the Asia Pacific. For more information, visit