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revolutioniseSPORT: Giving clubs more time to focus on Taekwondo

View all · 31 Jan 2022 · Australian Taekwondo

As a sport, martial art, and small business operators, we need to adapt to meet changing customer needs.  

Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit our shores, many of us have reprioritised what's important. Working smarter (not harder) to allow more time with family and friends, making time for health or fitness activities, refocusing on business areas, or personal growth projects that were "on the later base" have come into focus post lockdowns.  

When consumer needs change, the way we do business also needs to change. Investment in technology and flexible business practices are often two areas that need regular review. 

It's no secret that the younger tech-savvy generation has driven the rise of digital. However, research conducted by the Australian Communications and Media Authority shows that the 18-54 market are more likely to participate in online activities, be it shopping, banking, or joining a gym.  

As a national sporting and member-based organisation, this research shows a need for us to look at how we support clubs to adapt to meet changing customer needs. Engaging a company like revolutioniseSPORT to provide our clubs with a complete club management service is just one way we're working to help clubs meet the needs of changing consumer behaviours.  

Mobile phones are the most commonly used device, with 93% of Australians using a mobile phone to go online. Filling in a paper form is a thing of the past. Many of us expect to scan a QR code or hit a web link to access a digital form. With revolutioniseSPORT, clubs have the means to do this and save significant time on data entry.  

Darran McNulty from Dragon Taekwondo who has clubs in Melbourne and Sydney, is just one of many instructors choosing to move his club to revolutioniseSPORT to reduce administration time and enhance the member's experience. McNulty has found the transition to revolutioniseSPORT a breeze, with ample instructions and support made available. 

"The transition from the old system to the new has been made easy and clear to follow. The numerous live tutorials with all of the Rev Sport support team answered any questions before setting up the club on the portal, and the guidance across the board has covered the details." 

However, McNulty wasn't initially sold on the new platform, which seemed an enormous task at the start.  

"I was apprehensive in the beginning; the amount of information regarding the process of registration and finance seemed like a giant task. However, Rev Sport's in-depth guidance and Q&A sessions really helped get things organised before the new year started." 

The feature-packed platform offers complete club management, and McNulty has found the user experience a positive one and feels Rev Sport will streamline many things for club owners. 

"Any questions or concerns I had were clarified promptly, and the small website within the portal made the registration user friendly from our club member's perspective." 

With the 2022 season starting, McNulty is keen to test several features, including the event management and grading, as well as keeping across the vital data that is integral to his business. 

"This year, I'll ll be utilising the events section in the portal along with the gradings. This will help bring all information into the one area to work and correlate the student's information a lot easier throughout the club." 

"I love keeping track of our registrations and comparing the demographics. Rev Sport gives me a more detailed analysis of a student's registration as well as payments and site traffic." 

"Overall, I feel that Australian Taekwondo has been able to modernise their system through Rev Sport and streamline many things for us as club owners, as well as our students." 

Another Victorian club joining the charge to implement the system is Tony Paganella from Kim's Taekwondo and Hapkido in East Gippsland, who believes revolutioniseSPORT will free up his time to focus on the things that he enjoys most.  

"The platform removes the middle man and saves administration time with memberships, class administration and stock sales so that we can get back to loving what we do."

"Rev Sport have provided ample support, expertise and opportunities to take on the new administrative platform for Australian Taekwondo clubs.  

RevolutioniseSPORT access is included in our Club Affiliation package. If your club has yet to move to RevolutioniseSPORT, make time to speak with us about getting you online for 2022. 

Originally published by Australian Taekwondo.