Joe Wolmarans - Donations


Sat 04 Dec 2021 08:00 — 10:00
Zeekoe Vlei Yacht Club

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Joe Wolmarans
Urgent Donation Request

In the last two weeks our club’s Groundsman and faithful employee (of the last 28 years), Joe has had a run of unfortunate events, which have seriously impacted him and his family.

Besides dire family health issues that have presented themselves over the last few weeks, Joe’s house was burgled and cleaned out. All this has had an extreme effect on Joe’s emotional wellbeing.

The reason we are asking for assistance is due to yet another bad turn. On Friday evening, on returning home from fetching his daughter, a car drove into his car. The other person was at fault, he has insurance, (Joe does not). Joe’s car is deemed a right off, however the engine is still undamaged.

Nothing has gone in Joe’s favour starting with the police not coming to the scene after being called several times, his daughter was rushed to hospital with neck injuries, the police threatening to fine him for being out after curfew when he eventually got to the police station to report the accident and more.  

And to top it off the tow company want R8000 from him to get his car back and this amount goes up daily.

Joe is pivotal community leader in his church and he selflessly looks after his family and their travel needs with his car.

It is time for Joe to receive the assistance and strength he has being giving to so many for so long. Please, in whatever way we can, lets help Joe.


This is an urgent request as your contribution will pay for his car to be returned to him from the tow company.

Please note that you are welcome to donate anonymously, however your email address needs to be included when "registering" as the invoice is sent to this address. Please be assured your information will not be shared and will remain private.