YPHA By-Laws

Adopted January 2024 

1. BY-LAWS.................................................................................................................................................. 3 
2. ALTERATION OF BY-LAWS ....................................................................................................................... 3 
3. FUNDS OF THE ASSOCIATION ................................................................................................................. 4 
4. MEMBERSHIP .......................................................................................................................................... 4 
4.7. Life Membership.......................................................................................................................... 5 
4.8. Affiliation ..................................................................................................................................... 5 
4.9. Official Correspondence .............................................................................................................. 6 
5. OFFICE BEARERS ..................................................................................................................................... 6 
6. GENERAL MEETINGS ............................................................................................................................. 10 
7. COMMITTEES ........................................................................................................................................ 11 
 7.1. Conduct of Meetings ..................................................................................................................... 11 
 7.2. Executive Committee .................................................................................................................... 13 
 7.3. Delegates Committee .................................................................................................................... 14 
8. STANDING COMMITTEES ...................................................................................................................... 16 
8.1. Programme Committee ................................................................................................................. 16 
8.2. Permits Committee ................................................................................................................... 16 
8.3.      YP Umpires Management Committee ...................................................................................... 16 
8.4. Junior Committee ...................................................................................................................... 17 
8.5. Sub Committees ........................................................................................................................ 18 
9. INVESTIGATION TRIBUNAL ................................................................................................................... 18 
 9.2. Calling Tribunal: ............................................................................................................................. 18 
0. CODES OF BEHAVIOUR ...................................................................................................................... 21 
1. COMPETITION RULES ........................................................................................................................ 21 
2. WORKING WITH CHILDREN ............................................................................................................... 22 
3. COMPLAINT HANDLING .................................................................................................................... 22 
4. INDEMNITY AND GENERAL ............................................................................................................... 22 
5. DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 22 
1.1. If any circumstances arise for which no provision is made by the By-laws, or; 
1.2. If there arises any reasonable doubt as to the interpretation of the By-laws in 
any circumstances, or; 
1.3. If there is any doubt as to the correct procedure to be adopted on any occasion, the 
Executive Committee, having regard for the By-laws in existence may decide the matter 
and may direct what shall be done in each particular instance or may interpret the By
laws or direct what shall be done in a particular case. 
1.4. The correct interpretation of the By-laws shall be decided by the Executive 
Committee, whose decision shall be final. 
1.5. If any objection shall be raised in respect of the Executive's decision, interpretation or 
direction, the President shall, upon receipt of details of the objection, in writing, refer the 
matter to the South Australian Hockey Association for its recommendations and/or opinion. 
Having due regard to such recommendations and/or opinions, the President shall then 
finally and solely decide the outcome of the matter. 
2.1. Amendments: This By Law may be amended, altered, added to, varied or rescinded in 
whole or in part there-of at a General Meeting of the Association, upon a motion carried 
by a two-third (2/3) majority of the votes cast, provided always that no Rule shall be so 
dealt with more than once in the same calendar year. 
2.2. Notice of Motion: Notice of any motion affecting the By Laws shall be given to the 
Association in writing, signed by the proposer and seconder, no less than thirty (30) days 
before the meeting at which it is proposed it should be moved (E-mail is acceptable). 
2.3. Notice to Members: The Secretary shall forward to each Member Club a notice setting 
out the purpose of such motion no less than seven days before any General Meeting. 
2.4. Amendment of Motion:  Upon such motion being moved the Chairperson shall allow any 
amendment or amendments of the motion that in their opinion is relevant to the 
subject matter of the motion, and of such nature as to be within the intent and scope 
of the matter comprised in the notice of motion, except if the amended motion 
conflicts with these By-Laws then the original motion will prevail. 

3.1. The funds of the Association shall at no time be less than $100.00. Should the balance of 
the funds of the Association be low at any time, each club shall pay a levy, the amount 
to be decided upon at a Special General Meeting of the Association. 
3.2. All Fees shall be paid to the Association on or before the date fixed at the First 
Delegates Meeting. 
3.3. The Treasurer shall send a statement to each Club setting out the amount of game fees 
and levies payable by that Club in accordance with the By-Laws of the Association. 
3.4. Payment by installment may be considered upon application to the Executive. 
3.5. The first financial year of the Association shall be the period ending on 30th September 
1996, and thereafter ending a period of twelve months in each year. 
3.6. A budget will be established for each season to cover the Associations expenses. 
3.7. A Team Registration fee, to be paid in respect of each team, shall be determined at the 
First Delegates Meeting, with reference to the Affiliation Fee as set by S.A. Hockey. 
3.8. State Representatives Fund - Monies may be made available for the purpose of 
assisting representatives in State or Country State, or Invitational State teams. Any 
support is to be given as a token gesture. Individual clubs shall be encouraged to 
support any representatives with additional fundraising. 
3.9. Omission of Non-financial Clubs  - In the event of a Club failing to pay any fees, as set in 
2.3, on the due date it shall be deemed to be non-financial and the Secretary of such 
Club shall be notified in writing forthwith and should the fees not be paid within 14 days 
of the date of notification the relevant teams of the club shall not score premiership 
points until the fees are paid. 
3.10. Fines Procedure - Convenors of various Committees will notify the Treasurer of fines 
incurred. The treasurer will distribute fines notices, and these are to be paid within sixty 
(60) days of the fine being received. A team with any account unpaid within sixty (60) days 
of the fines notices shall not score premiership points until the fees are paid. A written 
appeal may be lodged, with the Association Secretary, stating the reason for the appeal, 
within fourteen (14) days of notification of the infringement. The Secretary shall duly call 
an Executive Meeting where the appeal will be presented. 

Members of the Association shall be either 
4.1. Financial members through an Affiliated Club: - persons over 16 years who are recognised by 
their affiliated club as financial members in good standing. 
4.2. Life Members: - as defined in below (4.7). 
4.3. Honorary Members: - The Executive shall be empowered, for special reasons, to 
bestow Honorary Membership in any year on any special person it sees fit. 
4.4. Associate Members  - i.e. any person who is proposed, seconded and elected at a meeting of 
the Delegates and pays an annual subscription as determined at the First Delegates Meeting. 
4.5. Membership, except for Life Members, shall be for one year, unless terminated 
by resignation or expulsion. 
4.6. Every Club, the affiliation of which is approved, shall therein be: 
• Liable to such annual subscriptions and other fees as are prescribed by the By-Laws. 
• bound by the Constitution and By-Laws, of which it shall have access to a copy. 
4.7. Life Membership 
4.7.1. The Association at the Annual General Meeting shall have the power to elect as a 
Life Member of the Association any persons who have rendered special service 
to the Association or to the game. 
4.7.2. Written nominations for Life Members shall be subject to consideration at the 
Final Delegates Meeting. 
4.7.3. Detailed forms with criteria are available from the Secretary and to be provided to 
the secretary at least 28 days before final delegates meeting. 
4.7.4. Life Members shall be elected only by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of members 
4.7.5. Not more than two Life Memberships shall be conferred in any one year. 
4.7.6. Life Members shall have the same privileges as financial members, in that they 
may attend Delegates Meetings wherein they shall have a voice but no vote. 
4.7.7. The Secretary shall keep a record of life members and give each Life Member notice 
of meetings held and all functions arranged by the Association. 
4.8. Affiliation 
4.8.1. Any club/Association wishing to affiliate with the YPHA shall make application 
in writing, signed by its Secretary, to the Secretary of the Association before 
the First Delegates Meeting. 

(a) Its acceptance shall be decided at the first Delegates meeting. 
(b) Late applications shall be considered by the Executive Committee. 
4.8.2. Any club or Association wishing to withdraw from membership shall do so by giving 
notice in writing to the secretary and shall remain liable for all subscriptions and fees 
incurred up to the time that the notice of withdrawal is received by the Secretary. 
4.9. Official Correspondence  
Each Club shall be responsible to: 
4.9.1. notify the Association Secretary of any change in its President, Secretary 
or Delegates, 
4.9.2. see that letters and communications from the Association are circulated among its  
members, and promptly complied with, or answered as the case may be. 
The Honorary Office Bearers of the Association shall consist of a President, Vice-President, 
Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Umpires Convenor, Junior Convenor, Junior 
Secretary, Portal Administrator/Match Recorder. 
The President, Vice President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Junior Convenor, Junior 
Secretary, Portal Administrator/Match Recorder and Umpires Convenor will be appointed at the 
Annual General Meeting, from nominations received from the club whose turn it is to fill such 
(a) Each club in the Association shall fill these offices when their turn falls due, for a term of 
two years or as agreed. 
(b) The order of rotation shall be decided at the Final Delegates Meeting each year. 
Any casual vacancy occurring in these Office Bearers shall be filled at the next delegates 
meeting held after such vacancy occurs. 
All Office Bearers shall take office after the close of the Annual General Meeting. 
At the Final Delegates Meeting for the year the Secretary, shall notify the Secretary of each 
club the positions to be filled at the Annual General Meeting. 
5.1. The president shall 
• Preside at all meetings of the Association 
• Have a casting vote at all meetings of the Association 
• Be empowered to approve monies to be drawn from the Association’s funds, 
• Be ex-officio member of all sub-committees, where they have a voice but no vote. 
• Be the Public Officer of the Association 

5.2. The Vice President shall 
• have the right to attend all General Meetings of the Association, all 
Delegates meetings and Executive Committee Meetings, 
• in the absence of the President, preside at all meetings of the Association, 
and therefore be empowered to use the casting vote, 
5.3. The Secretary shall 
5.3.1. carry out all directions of a General Meeting and all directions of the Delegates Meeting 
and all directions of the Executive, 
5.3.2. have the right and duty to : 
• ensure due compliance with the Constitution, Rules and such By-Laws, 
• duly call all General and Committee meetings when necessary, 
• ensure that all rules relating to the nomination and election of Office Bearers 
are carried out, 
• keep Minutes of all General, Delegates and Executive Meetings, and 
ensure all Minutes are ratified at the next meeting, 
• report to the Executive any breaches of the Rules, which come to their attention, 
• keep a list of the members of the Clubs of the Association and members that 
may vote accordingly, 
• keep a roll of the appointed Delegates and their attendance at the 
Delegates Meetings, 
• Be empowered to approve monies to be drawn from the Association’s funds, 
• inform the committees of matters affecting the Association and advise Life 
Members of meetings and functions 
• attend all meetings of the Delegates and Executive and, if necessary, of the 
subcommittees of which the President is an ex-officio member 
• report on all Executive meetings to the next meeting of the Delegates, 
• be paid such amount as shall be determined by the Delegates, prior to the 
Annual General Meeting, for expenses incurred during the preceding year, 

• such other duties as may be necessary. 
5.4. The Treasurer shall 
5.4.1. Prepare a budget for upcoming season in consultation with the Executive for 
presentation at the First Delegates Meeting, 
5.4.2. receive and bank all monies paid to the Association, 
5.4.3. pay all authorised expenditure, 
5.4.4. Be empowered to approve monies to be drawn from the Association’s funds, 
5.4.5. keep correct accounts and books showing the financial affairs of the Association, 
5.4.6. submit an audited Annual Statement of Receipts and Expenditure, 
5.4.7. be paid such amount as shall be determined by the Delegates, prior to the Annual 
General Meeting, for expenses incurred during the preceding year. 
5.5. The Match Recorder/Portal Administrator/Assistant Secretary shall 
5.5.1. Receive the score cards from each relevant match, 
5.5.2. Notify the Secretary of any irregularities in the scorecards for consideration by the 
5.5.3. Generate the web based program for entering of results and providing team access 
5.5.4. Monitor the record of scores on-line in order to produce a Premiership Table at regular 
intervals and report any breaches to the system requirements to the Secretary. 
5.5.5. Collate results for Association Awards, penalties and 
5.5.6. Liaise with host club for annual vote count proceedings. 
5.5.7. Maintain sound knowledge of the current web based portal for the Association, 
5.5.8. Provide assistance to clubs with on-line registration process, including any education 
5.5.9. Monitor the on-line portal of all registered players for the current season and advise the 
Secretary of any issues/ breaches of the by-laws or rules, 
5.5.10. Provide a list of registered players to the Match Recorder on a regular basis, 
5.5.11. undertake such of the Secretary's duties as shall be delegated to them, 
5.5.12. be paid such amount as shall be determined by the Delegates, prior to the Annual 
General Meeting, for the expenses incurred during the preceding year, 
5.5.13. oversee all publicity, sponsorship and promotion campaigns, events and functions, 
5.5.14. receive the match results, collate the results and forward to the appropriate 
5.5.15. relieve the Treasurer, in their absence. 

5.6. The Junior Convenor shall 
5.6.1.Chair all Junior Committee meetings,  
5.6.2.Liaise with the Junior Secretary for generation of an agenda for each meeting,  
5.6.3.Act with the best interests of the Association and children in mind at all times,  
5.6.4.Report activities of the Junior Committee to the Delegates Meeting, including any 
motions for approval.  
5.6.5.Provide an annual report for tabling at the Annual General Meeting. 
5.7. The Junior Secretary shall 
5.7.1. Liaise with the Junior Convenor to generate agenda for each 
5.7.2. Notify clubs and delegates of meetings, 
5.7.3. Keep minutes of all Junior Committee meetings and ensure all minutes are 
ratified at the next meeting, 
5.7.4. Provide copy of minutes to Association Secretary for tabling at Delegates Meeting 
5.7.5. Coordination of Junior Representative Teams, end of season arrangements (eg 
Round Robins) and Provision of Participation Certificates, as required, 
5.7.6. Be paid such amount as shall be determined by the Delegates, prior to the 
Annual General Meeting, for the expenses incurred during the preceding year, 
5.7.7. Maintain a register of child safe criminal history checks  
5.7.8. Carry out directions of the Junior Committee meetings. 
The Umpires Convenor shall 
5.8.1. Chair all meetings of Umpires Committee 
5.8.2. Report activities of the Umpires Committee to the delegates meeting, including 
any motions for approval 
5.8.3. Maintain a register of umpire accreditations 
5.8.4. Provide the treasurer a list of umpires for payment at completion of each season 
5.8.5. Provide an annual report for tabling at the Annual General Meeting. 

Delegates and Proxy Delegates 
5.9.1. The Delegates from each club shall be appointed by that club to represent them at 
the Delegates Meetings. 
5.9.2. Representation from each club will be 2 Delegates. 
5.9.3. The names of the Delegates to be notified to the Secretary annually, prior to the 
first delegates meeting. 
5.9.4. In the event of a Delegate being unable to attend any Delegates Meetings, a 
Proxy Delegate may be appointed by that club. 
5.9.5. A Proxy Delegate shall be subject to the same Rules as a Delegate. 
5.9.6. The club must notify the Secretary, in writing, that the Proxy Delegate is empowered 
to act as a Delegate, before the opening of the meeting concerned. 
6.1. The Annual General Meeting is the final meeting of the season preceding it. It shall be 
held in October, or in special circumstances, at such other time as the Executive 
shall appoint. 
At this meeting the following business shall be transacted: 
• Receiving reports from: 
o President, 
o Treasurer, 
o Umpires Convenor, 
o Junior Convenor 
o any other committee as appropriate. 
6.1.2. Appointing for the ensuing year the : President, Vice-President, Secretary, 
Treasurer, Match Recorder/Assistant Secretary/Portal Administrator, Junior 
Convenor, Umpires Convenor and Junior Secretary. 
6.1.3. Checking that any changes to the Constitution have been recorded and circulated. 
Considering any other business of which notice has been given at the Final                       
Delegates Meeting. 
6.1.4. A Member who intends to move a motion at the Annual General Meeting shall give 
to the Secretary notice, in writing, on or before a date as notified by the Secretary 
prior to the Annual General Meeting. 
6.2. A Special General Meeting shall be convened by the Secretary : 
• at the written request of the President, OR 
• at the direction of the Annual General Meeting 
• or the Delegates Committee, OR 
• upon written request signed by the Secretaries of two-thirds (2/3) of affiliated Clubs. 
6.2.2. Each request shall specify the business which is required to be submitted to the 
meeting, in writing. 
6.2.3. Such meeting shall be held within twenty-eight (28) days of receipt, by the 
Secretary, of the request. 
6.2.4. In the event of the Secretary failing to comply with the By-Laws then those requesting 
the meeting may convene the meeting, or in the case of direction from 
the Annual General Meeting the President or Vice President may convene 
the meeting. 
No business other than that specified in the requisition shall be considered at such 
meeting except that which, in the opinion of the Chairperson, is an amendment 
relevant to the subject matter of the motion, or directly arises out of the 
matter comprised in the notice of motion. 
6.3. Notice of General Meetings 
For the Annual General Meeting twenty-eight (28) days clear notice, in writing, shall 
be given to the Secretaries of all affiliated clubs, setting out the business to 
be conducted. 
Failure to receive such notice shall not invalidate a meeting, resolution, or election, 
unless it is shown to the satisfaction of the Executive that a substantial 
number of Secretaries have not received such notice. 
Nomination of Office Bearers and other Committees 
6.4.1. Every candidate shall be nominated by one and seconded by another member of the 
6.4.2. Election of Office Bearers and Committee Members at the Annual General 
Meeting or Special General Meeting shall be decided by voting as per 6.5. 
6.5. Eligibility to Vote 
6.5.1. Any member shall be entitled to vote at all General Meetings of the Association on 
all matters in which a vote of the whole Association is taken. 
6.5.2. Only members registered with the Association for the current year shall be eligible 
to vote at the Annual General Meeting. 
Each affiliated Association shall be entitled to one vote at the Annual General 
6.5.4. No proxy voting will be accepted at General Meetings. 
6.6. Quorum : 
6.6.1. Members representing sixty percent (60%) of affiliated Clubs shall form a quorum at 
any General Meeting. 
6.6.2. In the absence of such quorum the meeting shall be reconvened. 
7.1. Conduct of Meetings 
7.1.1. The rules in this part shall govern the conduct of any meeting of the Association 
or committees, except where specifically provided otherwise. 
7.1.2. Quorum: If at the expiration of 30 minutes from the time for which a meeting is called, 
there is not a quorum present, the meeting shall be reconvened. Refer to each Committee 
listed (7.2.4, 7.3.11, 7.6.1, 8.3.2 and 8.4.4) for quorum criteria. 
• A motion is a proposal to do something and should be clear with enough detail so that the 
intent is not ambiguous. 
• A motion should be generally a single sentence. The person who moves the motion 
should wait for another person to second the motion before speaking to the motion 
(explaining the reasons for the motion). 
• No motion or amendment shall be discussed or put to the vote unless seconded, but a 
member may require the enforcement of any standing order by directing the 
President's attention to its infringement. 
• The first person to speak is the person who proposed the motion and is required to 
speak for the motion. 
• The next person to speak is the seconder of the motion. The seconder may reserve their 
right to speak until later in the debate. 
• The Chair will then call for alternating speakers, speaking for then against the motion. 
• Each person may speak only once to each motion (except the mover who has the right of 
• No member shall digress from the subject matter of the question under discussion. 
• Amendments are changes to the wording and effect of the original motion that has 
been proposed. 
• After a motion has been seconded, an amendment may be proposed. 
• The mover or seconder of the original motion, are not allowed to move or second an 
• An amendment must not substantially change the original motion, and must not be a 
direct negation of it. An amendment may alter, add or subtract words from the 
original motion. 
• Debate on the amendment follows the same rules as an original motion.  
7.1.6. VOTING:  
• Voting shall be by a show of hands unless a secret ballot be demanded by at 
least three (3) members. 
• The Chairperson needs to make sure that every person is clear as to what is being 
voted upon, by having the motion read out prior to the vote being taken. 
• The Chairperson should call for both those in favour, and for those against the 
motion, in spite of the fact that the decision may be obvious after the vote 
for or against. 
• The Chairperson will declare the result of the vote, generally by declaring the 
motion as being carried or lost. 
7.2. Executive Committee 
7.2.1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President, 
Secretary, Treasurer, Umpires Convenor and Junior Convenor. 
7.2.2. Each member of the Executive is entitled to a vote at Executive Meetings 
7.2.3. The President shall have casting vote in addition to a deliberative vote, if necessary. 
7.2.4. Sixty Percent (60%) of voting members shall constitute a quorum. 
7.2.5. In the absence if the President and Vice-President from an Executive meeting, one of 
the members present shall be elected to the chair. They shall have a deliberative and 
casting vote. 
7.2.6. All Executive meetings shall be called by the Secretary.  
7.2.7. The Executive Committee shall: 
• Prepare a budget for the new season for presentation to the first delegates meeting 
• Deal with any special or urgent matters which shall arise from time to time 
• Decide how the teams shall be graded 
• Deal with all correspondence and matters of a routine, or urgent nature between 
the meetings of the delegates 
• Be empowered, in emergency, to incur special liability between delegates meetings 
• Insure the property of the Association against all appropriate contingencies 
• Appoint Investigation Tribunal Members when deemed necessary 
• Bestow honorary membership where applicable 
• Deal with breaches of the Rules and By-Laws as may from time to time exist 
7.2.8. The Secretary shall bring down a report of all Executive meetings to the 
following delegates meeting 
7.3. Delegates Committee 
7.3.1. The Association shall be governed by a Delegates Meeting consisting of : 
• the President, Vice- President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary/Match 
Recorder/Portal Administrator, Treasurer,  Umpires Convenor, Junior 
• and  delegates from each Club affiliated with the Association, 
7.3.2. Representation from each club will be 2 delegates. 
7.3.3. Maximum two (2) voting delegates per club,  
7.3.4. And one delegate from any affiliated Association. 
7.3.5. Delegates Meetings shall be held as necessary but not less than two (2) during the 
hockey season, when the current affairs of the Association shall be considered, 
including reports from the Standing Committees and Sub-Committees. 
7.3.6. The Secretary shall notify Club Secretaries seven (7) days in advance of all 
Delegates Meetings, except for Special Delegates Meeting. 
7.3.7. The Secretary, shall distribute the minutes of each meeting to each club no later 
than seven (7) days prior to the next meeting. 
7.3.8. In the absence of the President and Vice-President of the Association a chairperson 
shall be elected from the members, who shall have a casting vote in addition to any 
deliberative vote to which they may be entitled. 
7.3.9. Delegates Meetings shall appoint such Sub-Committees as deemed necessary from 
time to time. 
7.3.10. Delegates Meetings shall impose such additional levies as shall be necessary to 
enable the Association to discharge its liabilities for the current season. 
7.3.11. A quorum shall consist of fifty percent (60%) of the registered delegates plus 
fifty percent (60%) of the Office Bearers.  
7.3.12. (1) Honorary Office Bearers of the Association are entitled to a voice but no vote 
at Delegates Meetings. 
(2) By virtue of their office the President, Vice President or Chairperson shall 
be entitled to a casting vote as provided in these By-Laws. 
(3) Any other member of the Association is welcome to attend the 
Delegates Meeting and shall have a voice but no vote. 
7.3.13. Any Club which is not represented by a registered Delegate or proxy Delegate at 
three or more consecutive Delegates Meetings shall be liable to such fine as 
the Executive shall decide. 
7.3.14. In the absence of a quorum the meeting is to be reconvened. 
7.4. First Delegates Meeting 
7.4.1. Shall be held prior to the commencement of the current season. 
7.4.2. At this meeting the following business shall be transacted: 
• Receive new clubs, Affiliated Associations, and new teams. 
• Receive proposed budget from Executive Committee, determine Fees, and all 
other financial dues to the Association. 
• Register each Affiliated Club's : President, Secretary, Delegates. 
• Receive Affiliated Team’s programming requests. 
• Confirm registration process for coming season. 
• Confirm Competition Rules. 
• Confirm each Affiliated Clubs’ teams and nominated home ground. 
7.5. Final Delegates Meeting 
7.5.1. At this meeting the following business shall be transacted : 
• consider the rotation of Office Bearers, 
• Consideration of any nominations for Life Membership, 
• Notify the Secretary of each club the positions to be filled at the Annual 
General Meeting. 
• Fix the date of the Annual General Meeting. 
• Consider and give notice of any business to be discussed or voted upon at the 
Annual General Meeting. 
7.6. Special Delegates Meeting 
7.6.1. The Secretaries of any two thirds (2/3) of affiliated Clubs, or the President, may, 
in writing, stating the nature of the business to be addressed, request the 
Secretary to convene a Special Meeting of the Delegates. 
7.6.2. The Secretary may call a Special Meeting of the Delegates at any time and shall 
convene same within seven (7) days of the receipt of a requisition and shall give Not 
less than twenty four (24) hours’ notice, to the Secretary of each affiliated club Of 
the time of the meeting and the business to be considered 
7.6.3. No business shall be considered at a Special Delegates Meeting except that 
specified in the notice of the meeting 
Standing Committees shall be the Programme Committee, the Permits Committee and the 
Management Committee and the Junior Committee. 
Standing Committees shall carry out any duties as specifically directed by the Delegates 
Meeting and shall present reports as required to the Delegates Meeting. 
8.1. Programme Committee 
8.1.1. The Programme Committee shall consist of the Association President, Association 
Secretary, the Umpires Convenor, and the Junior Convener, or their representatives. 
8.1.2. The Committee shall be responsible for all matters relating to programming 
of matches, and approval of grounds for match play. 
8.2. Permits Committee 
8.2.1. There shall be a Permits Committee consisting of any three of the President, Umpire 
Convenor, Junior Convenor, and Secretary. 
8.2.2. The duties of the Permit Committee shall be to consider applications concerning 
transfer and/or registrations of individual players and administer the regulations. 
8.3. YP Umpires Management Committee 
8.3.1. shall consist of one (1) representative from each club. 
8.3.2. Three (3) members shall constitute a quorum. 
8.3.3. Any decisions shall be presented to the next Delegates meeting as a motion 
for approval. 
8.3.4. The Convenor shall represent the Committee at Executive Meetings and 
Delegates Meetings. 
8.3.5. The Committee shall be responsible for all matters pertaining to hockey umpiring 
and technical matters in relation to the conduct of games, within the Association, 
• Establishment and maintenance of a panel of umpires, 
• Allocation of umpires, 
• Training of umpires, 
• Assessment and accreditation of umpires, 
• Any payment or re-imbursement to umpires, 
• Liaison with Committees of the Association and other bodies to foster and promote 
the availability and standard of hockey umpires on Yorke Peninsula and in South 
8.3.6. The Committee shall prepare an annual budget to be submitted to the Executive 
prior to the First Delegates Meeting. 
8.4. Junior Committee 
8.4.1. The Junior Convenor shall call a meeting with two (2) voting delegates representing 
each club, who shall form the Junior Committee.  
8.4.2. Any other member of the Association is welcome to attend the Junior Meeting and shall 
have a voice but no vote. 
8.4.3. Any decisions shall be presented to the next Delegates meeting as a motion for 
8.4.4. Sixty percent (60%) of members shall form a quorum. 
8.4.5. The Committee shall be responsible for making recommendations to the Delegates 
Committee on matters pertaining to Junior Hockey, including : 
• Grading of teams. 
• Consideration of permits for juniors. 
• Liaison with Committees of the Association and other bodies to foster and promote 
the standard of Junior Hockey in the State of South Australia. 
• Consider any reports of misconduct or breach of the rules. Upon investigation the 
Committee may recommend to the Executive any appropriate action or penalty. 
• Determine the criteria for selecting representative teams as required; appointing  
coaches and managers as appropriate - subject to Association approval. 
8.4.6. The Committee shall submit a plan and budget to the Executive prior to the First 
Delegates Meeting. 
8.4.7. The Committee may apply to the Delegates Meetings for finances required. 
8.4.8. The Committee shall report to the Delegates Meetings and keep the Executive   
informed on all matters. 
8.5. Sub Committees 
Sub Committees shall be elected at Delegates Meetings as necessary. 
All Sub Committees shall furnish a report of their meetings and make 
recommendations to each Delegates Meeting. 
All Sub Committees shall have power to co-opt additional members as required. 
An Investigation Tribunal, of three members, shall be appointed by the Executive Committee as and 
when necessary. No member of the Investigation Tribunal shall investigate a report with respect to: 
• a game in which they have taken part, or 
• made by or against a club or member of the club of which they are or 
• have been an active member during the preceding two years. 
9.2. Calling Tribunal: 
The President or nominee shall: 
Notify any individual reported to the Tribunal if applicable to appear before  
the Tribunal at the date, time and venue. Advise that a support person can attend as well. 
Notify the relevant tribunal members 
9.2.3. Provide copies of the reports and match cards where applicable 
9.2.4. Attend the hearing in the capacity of administration, record keeping and 
communication of proceedings as directed by the Tribunal or Executive 
9.2.5. Where it is alleged that the person has breached a By-Law, rule or Code of Conduct 
the relevant documents shall be supplied that contain the relevant By-Laws, rules 
or Codes of Conduct 
9.2.6. Ensure due compliance with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association 
9.2.7. Where a report is made, whether the plea is guilty or not guilty, if the person 
does not attend, the case will be heard in their absence. 
9.3. Tribunal Assembles: 
9.3.1. The Tribunal, once assembled, shall elect a Chair from those assembled. The Chair 
• Admit the Umpire or party making the report or bringing the charge, and the person 
or person specifically named in the report or charge for the report to be read. 
Both parties may be accompanied by an advocate to assist and advise during the 
hearing, only the advocate may examine and cross- examine any witness(es) 
brought to the proceedings 
• Ask the secretary to read the report , identifying the participating parties and outline 
the charge(s) against the person(s). 
• Ask any persons other that the accused and their advocate to leave the room. 
• Ask the reported person(s) whether they wish to contest the charge(s). The chairperson 
asks if they wish to make a statement whereupon they may be cross examined by 
members of the tribunal. 
9.3.2. The Tribunal may determine its procedure where it is not provided for in these 
9.3.3. If the charge is not to be contested then the chair may move straight to 
deliberations or clarification of evidence. 
9.3.4. The report of the umpire or any other relevant person shall be considered 
as evidence by the Tribunal. 
9.4. Contested Charges: 
9.4.1. The Chairperson or members of the Tribunal may address questions to all 
participants in the presence of the reported person and their advocate. 
9.4.2. Statement of witnesses, of the umpire/s or reported person/s shall be examined by 
members of the Tribunal and used as evidence 
9.4.3. Witnesses named may be called upon at the discretion of the Tribunal to 
give testimony 
9.4.4. Members of the Tribunal may question the parties as they see fit 
9.4.5. Both parties may direct questions and statements to members of the Tribunal but 
not to each other without the consent of the Chair 
9.4.6. All extraneous matter should be ruled ‘out of order’ by the Chairperson of 
the Tribunal as a when it arises. 
9.5. Deliberations 
9.5.1. Once the Tribunal members have satisfied themselves that they have heard all of the 
facts and evidence of the report they may then make a determination. The case 
shall be determined in the reported person’s absence at the Tribunal’s discretion. 
Findings and Penalties 
In response to a guilty plea or verdict the investigation Tribunal is 
directed to consider the following: 
9.6.2. Seriousness of the misconduct 
• Minor- warning or suspended sentence 
• Medium- 1-3 rounds 
• Major- 5 or More rounds 
9.6.3. The Tribunal may choose to impose a penalty of similar magnitude on person(s) 
who are not players. This penalty might include volunteer service for the benefit 
of Hockey 
9.6.4. The Tribunal must specify how the penalty will apply 
The penalty shall apply to all schedules fixtures of the team, including finals, in 
which the person(s) normally participate/s. 
9.6.6. The final penalty or combination of penalties may take the form of suspension, 
fines, warnings, volunteer service to the benefit of Hockey, reprimands or some 
other penalty that is suitable to the seriousness of the misconduct concerned, 
may be determined at the Tribunal’s discretion; where deemed appropriate such 
penalties may be suspended. 
9.7. Notification of findings and penalties 
9.7.1. The Chairperson of the Tribunal shall announce the decisions of the Tribunal at 
the Tribunal. 
9.7.2. The Secretary will report the Tribunal’s findings in writing to the Executive 
and delegates meeting. 
9.7.3. The decision of the Tribunal shall be communicated formally in writing with any 
relevant determination and/or comment by the Executive, to the person’s 
club Secretary and the person involved as soon as practical. 
9.8. Reported Individual Responsibilities 
9.8.1. The reported individual is to ensure that the Investigation Tribunal’s penalties are 
adhered to. Failure to comply will be referred to the Tribunal for consideration. 
9.9. Appeals 
9.9.1. For any appeals against process, verdict or penalty, a member or a reported 
person/s shall have the right to have the Tribunal referred to Hockey SA. 
9.9.2. Appeals must be received in writing by the President within 7 days of the official 
notification of the findings of the Tribunal. This will be forwarded to Hockey SA, 
along with all evidence submitted, minutes, correspondence relating to the 
process, verdict and penalty of the Tribunal. Such notice of appeal shall state in 
detail all grounds on which the appeal is made. 
9.9.3. Any ground for appeal which is not clearly set out in the appeal form cannot be 
introduced or used at the hearing of the appeal. 
9.9.4. Any notice of appeal which is not lodged with the association within the time limited by 
these rules shall be treated as no notice and the appeal shall not be heard. 
Any costs incurred in the appeal process will be joint responsibility of the 
individual/s or Member making the appeal and the YPHA. 
9.9.6. The outcome of the appeal is the final decision. There is no further right to review. 
9.9.7. The President, on behalf of the Executive will communicate the outcome of 
the appeal. 
All members of the Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association- players, coaches, officials, 
spectators and guests agree to abide by the Hockey Australia ‘Code of Conduct and 
Hockey Australia’s member Protection Policy for further information. 
All matches shall be played in accordance with the YPHA Competition Rules, Authorised Rules of 
the Game of Hockey (and interpretations there under) as adopted and authorised by HA, except 
when varied to suit local conditions. The YPHA Competition Rules will be reviewed prior to each 
season to ensure they remain contemporaneous with the changes in the game of hockey. 
The YPHA values the safety and welfare of children and young people who 
in our sport. We support the rights of the child and will act at all times to 
ensure that a child-safe environment is maintained. 
a child 
All coaches, managers who are involved in regular unsupervised contact with 
or young person under the age of 18 will undertake a working with 
Children check. Refer to Hockey Australia member Protection Policy for 
further information. 
YPHA aims to provide a simple, confidential and trustworthy procedure for 
complaints based on the principles of natural justice. 
The lowest level at which a matter can be dealt with shall always be 
Therefore if a complaint relates to behaviour or an incident that occurred at 
• Association level or involves people operating at the Association level, then 
the complaint should be reported to and handled by the Executive; or 
• Club level or involves people operating at the Club level, then the complaint 
should be reported to and handled by the relevant club in the first 
A complaint may be handled informally or formally. The complainant should 
their preferred option. Refer to Hockey Australia member Protection 
Policy for further information. 
14.1. No affiliated Club, official or individual member of the Association shall have 
any claim, 
legal or otherwise, against the Association or its Officers, for any act done 
in the execution of their office which may affect such Club, official or 
individual member. 
14.2. These By-Laws shall repeal all previous Rules or By-Laws but, except as 
specifically provided for, they shall not affect any right, duty or liability or 
any matter or thing done or commenced, acquired or imposed under the 
previous Rules. 
14.3. The Association shall, after satisfactory conclusion of an investigation, indemnify 
wholly or in part any Officer of the Association acting in good faith and within 
the scope of their duties, or what they believe to be the scope of their duties, 
against any claim, liability, loss or damage, which they may undergo in 
consequence of any act, omission, error, or oversight on their part. 
In the By-Laws , unless the content otherwise requires : 
1. "The Association" means the Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Incorporated, 
2. "Member" means a Member of the Association as provided by these By-Laws, 
3. "Delegate" refers to the nominated member who represents each affiliated club, 
0. "Affiliated club" includes Affiliated Associations, 
1. "The Executive" means the Executive Committee, 
2. "The President" means the President of the Association, 
3. "The Secretary" means the Honorary Secretary of the Association, 
4. "The Treasurer" means the Honorary Treasurer of the Association, 
5. The singular shall include the plural, 
"Year" shall be deemed to the duration of time from the conclusion of one 
Annual General Meeting to the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting, 
7. "grading" and "graded" means deciding in which grade of the premiership 
competition a team shall play, 
8. "Junior" refers to all competitions as organised by Junior Committee. 
9. “Category” shall refer to the status of each premiership competition (ie. men, 
women, or junior). 

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