2024 YPHA Rules

YPHA Competition Rules 
Version date 09/01/2024 
Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Competition Rules                                                                                                      
YPHA Competitions Rules  
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Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Competition Rules                                                                                                      
YPHA Competitions Rules  Page 2 of 40 Version Januray 2024 
PRELIMINARY .......................................................................................................................................................... 4 
DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................................................................... 4 
HOCKEY  COMPETITIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 5 
REGISTRATION ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 
CONDUCT OF MATCHES ....................................................................................................................................... 10 
FINALS ................................................................................................................................................................... 20 
PLAYING PERMITS ................................................................................................................................................. 23 
UNIFORMS, EQUIPMENT AND GROUNDS ............................................................................................................ 24 
UMPIRES AND TECHNICAL OFFICIALS ................................................................................................................... 27 
DISCIPLINARY MATTERS........................................................................................................................................ 30 
LOCAL RULES SCHEDULE ................................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 
Version Release Affected Topics Major Changes 
1 (Draft) 2018 All Complete review 
2 approved 2019 As highlighted Season start review 
3 Approved 05/2019 As highlighted -Yellow Minor word changes 
4 Approved 07/2020 As Highlighted -Green Start date, 
removed, U16 9-a-side, 
finals for 2020,  
5 Approved 02/2021 As highlighted Yellow Qualifying games,  
4.7.1 removal  
5 Approved 04/2021 As highlighted Yellow Changes to Start date, 
U16 local rules, Junior 
local rules, finals 2021 
6 Approved 09/01/2024 As highlighted in 
1.1Changes to start date 
2.3.1 Junior Competition Dual Registrations Regulation Players Regulation Players 
3147 a) – Regulation 
3.2.1 Code of Behaviour 
3.4.2 – Coaches, Managers 
and Officials – added 
4.4 Injuries – added 
information – Time keeping – 
added information 
4.9.2 Forfiets – Match Cards – 
added information – Rescheduling – 
added information 
Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Competition Rules                                                                                              – TOY – added 
information – Drawn Finals 
after extra time 
7.8.7 – Inspection of 
8.8 – Technical Bench – 
added information 
9.4 – reports – added 
Junior Rules 
5.7.2 Drawn Final score 
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Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Competition Rules                                                                                                      
1.1 These rules commence 09/01/2024 
1.2 These rules replace all rules and by-laws previously made about the matters covered by these 
1.3 All penalties handed down under previous rules and by-laws will continue to be recognised by 
Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association.  
The following definitions apply to these rules. 
“Business Day” – Any day Monday – Friday. 
“Club” - means an affiliated Club of Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association competing in the winter 
hockey competition operated by the Association. 
“Constitution” - means the Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Constitution. 
“Fixture” means a match or matches scheduled within the competition. 
“YPHA" means the Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Incorporated.  
“Regulations” means the Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Regulations. 
“Rules of Hockey” - means the official FIH Rules of Hockey. 
“Written Notice” – includes email. 
If there is any dispute regarding the interpretation of these rules a determination will be made by the 
YPHA Executive Committee. 
These rules are binding on all members of Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association and other persons or 
organisations that submit themselves to the jurisdiction of Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association and 
should be read in conjunction with the Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Constitution and By
These rules and any changes are subject to approval by the Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association 
Delegates Committee as required from time to time.   
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Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Competition Rules                                                                                                      
2.1.1 Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association will have an Adult Competition  
2.1.2 There will be separate competitions for male and female players in the Adult Competition.  
2.3.1 The Junior Competition may have the following age groups and are a mixed competition:  
• Under 8 
• Under 11 
• Under 15 
• Under 18 
2.4.1 Any Club or Region affiliated with Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association may apply to enter a 
team or teams in the YPHA competition, provided the players who will make up the team are eligible 
for the particular competition for which the team is entered. Applications must be made using the form 
prescribed by Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association, include all information Yorke Peninsula Hockey 
Association requests, and be submitted before the date prescribed by Yorke Peninsula Hockey 
Association for that purpose.  
2.4.2 Any club wishing to enter a team shall notify the Secretary of the Association, in writing, by the 
first Delegates meeting. 
2.4.3 Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association reserves the right to refuse any application from a Club 
that has debts outstanding for more than ninety (90) days from the due date of the relevant invoice 
and may accept or refuse an application at its discretion. 
2.4.4 A Club may withdraw a team from a competition by written notice to Yorke Peninsula Hockey 
Association at any time.  
2.4.5 The following applies if a Club withdraws a team after the start of a competition. The point in the season where all teams in the affected division have played each 
other once will be known as the mid-way mark. Where a Club withdraws a team prior to the mid-way mark, the result of all completed 
matches played against the withdrawn team shall be removed and recorded as a bye. Where a Club withdraws a team after the mid-way mark, the result of all completed 
matches played against the withdrawn team up to the mid-way mark shall remain, and all 
completed matches played after the midway mark shall be removed and recorded as a bye. 
Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association may use a system of average points to redefine the 
competition standings. 
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Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Competition Rules                                                                                              Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association may permit the late entry of a team into a 
competition to fill a vacancy created by the withdrawal of a team, on such terms as it decides.  
2.5.1 Players' ages shall be calculated as on January 1st in that year, and must be 5 years of age as 
of January 1st, in assessing the eligibility to play in any competition. 
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Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Competition Rules                                                                                                      
3.1.1 ANNUAL REGISTRATION/AFFILIATION  All players must be registered and insured with Hockey SA prior to taking to the hockey field. All players must be individual members of an affiliated club of Yorke Peninsula Hockey 
Association in accordance with the Constitution and must complete the individual registration process 
as determined by Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association.  
Penalty – the Club will forfeit each match in which an unregistered or non-affiliated player takes the 
field. The association will allow a club/clubs up until the third game of the season to ensure all players 
are registered before this penalty will be imposed. (This is in recognition of possible issues with the 
on-line registration process). 
3.1.2 REGISTRATION WITH MORE THAN ONE CLUB (DUAL REGISTRATION)  Where a player wishes to play in more than one association, including interstate, a Dual 
Registration Form is required. This must be approved and signed by both associations NOT Clubs.  A player must be registered with a Club via the process prescribed by Yorke Peninsula 
Hockey Association for that purpose.  A player must complete the Hockey SA dual registration form if wishing to play for two clubs 
within YPHA. A player may be granted dual registration in the competition to be registered with more 
than one Club for playing in different competitions, and provided they are not playing with each Club 
in the same competition.  Players must supply proof of age if requested by Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association.  
3.1.3 REGISTRATION OF JUNIORS PLAYING IN ADULT COMPETITION Where a player under the age of 15 years wishes to play in the Adult Competition a 
Parental/Guardian signed consent form is required. This signed permit gives consent for the Junior to 
play in the Adult Competition. 
3.1.4 REGULATION OF PLAYER Men are not permitted to play in the women’s competition. Women may play in the men’s competition without a permit provided they are registered with 
that club. If women are required to play in the men’s competition the team in which they are playing 
are only permitted to have 12 players on their card. Any minor round games will be counted towards 
qualifying for major round games as per Should a woman be required to fill in for another club’s men’s team an interim permit will be 
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Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Competition Rules                                                                                              A Junior player may play in any senior grade games, of the same sex, provided they only play 
for any one Senior team in any one season, unless an interim permit is granted. See also 3.1.3 
regarding parental/guardian consent. In the Senior Women's Competition if there are no eligible females available through Interim 
Permit then a male of 13 years or under may play.  Not more than two (2) boys may play in any team 
for a game. Any Team fielding a unregistered player, suspended, disqualified, or who is not correctly 
named in the team list, or for whom a permit to play in the team or grade in which they played has not 
been obtained as required by the Rules, shall be deemed to have lost the game in which that player 
took part. 
• The offending team will be deemed to have lost the game with the score to be recorded as 0 - 
8 defeat and the Club may be fined a maximum of fifty dollars ($50-00) in respect thereof.  
• The Executive Committee will be given full discretion to enforce penalties in consultation with 
the Match Recorder.  
• If both teams breach the rule then both will be deemed to have lost the game. To qualify for a major round game (finals) in any grade a player must have played one-third 
(1/3) of the minor round games for the team concerned, during the current season.  
a) If the YPHA will not be rostering the Country Carnival into its yearly program any player 
who plays in this tournament will be able to use the game played as a qualifying round for the 
YPHA competition. Minimum player numbers on the field to avoid a forfeit, are to reflect the current Hockey         
Australia/South Australia guidelines. Any breach of the Rules shall be dealt with by the Executive Committee. 
3.2.1 Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association requires all players, match officials, and team officials to 
abide by the Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association player and officials Player/ Athlete Code of 
Behaviour, which is adopted from Hockey SA via Hockey Australia. 
Penalty - $100 fine per breach may be levied; Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association reserves the right 
to convene the investigational tribunal for severe or repeated breaches of the Code. 
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Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Competition Rules                                                                                                      
3.3.1 A player does not require a clearance or transfer to play for another team or club in this 
Association at the commencement of a new season. 
(1) The commencement date of the new season shall be defined as 9am on the day of 
the first programmed game. 
(2) The end of the season shall be defined as 6pm on the day of the Grand Final. 
3.3.2 TRANSFER DURING THE SEASON To obtain a Transfer to play for another Club or a team within the same grade during the 
season a player shall: 
(1) make a written application to the Association Secretary detailing the reasons for the 
(2) make a written application to their club or team for a Transfer. Any team or club or Association receiving a request for a Transfer shall forward their reply to 
the Association Secretary within ten days of receipt of the application. Grounds for refusing a clearance by a Club or Association may include failure to meet a 
financial obligation or comply with a disciplinary ruling by the Club or Association. Junior players seeking a Transfer should apply to the Junior Committee. No player shall be granted a Transfer to play for another team or Club in the same Association 
within seven days of receipt of the application. 
3.4.1 Non-Playing Coaches, team managers, team officials, and match officials must meet the 
registration requirements prescribed by Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association.  
3.4.2 Coaches, team managers, and team officials working with children must have a valid and 
current Police Check/Working with Children Check as outlined in Hockey SA Policy. Coaches, 
managers and officials whom are aged under 18 cannot obtain a police check/Working with Children 
Check and therefore must have an adult with a valid police check/Working with Children Check 
present during training and games. Clubs are required to supply a complete list of current approved 
volunteers to the YPHA Secretary before the commencement of the season.. 
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Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Competition Rules                                                                                                      
4.1.1 All matches must be conducted in accordance with rules and interpretations adopted by the 
YPHA Delegates Committee including but not limited to:  
• The FIH Rules of Hockey;  
• Directions to umpires or interpretations adopted by Yorke Peninsula Hockey 
• Experimental rules declared by FIH to be mandatory;  
• Experimental rules adopted by Hockey Australia;  
• FIH Tournament Rules; 
• Local Rules adopted by Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association and published in the 
Rules Schedule (this document) for the relevant year.  
Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association may vary the playing rules to suit local conditions, by 
written notice to Clubs accordingly.  
Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association’s interpretation of the playing rules will be final and 
4.2.1 A team must have at least seven (7) players on the field at the start of the game in the men’s 
and women’s competitions, U8, U11, U15 and U18 as per Junior rules unless otherwise agreed by 
team captains and or coaches. Further local rule for Junior teams at 10.1.2 
4.2.2 In Finals, a team must have at least seven (7) players on the field at the start of the game. 
4.3.1 No persons other than field players, players with goalkeeping privileges, goalkeepers and 
umpires are permitted on the field during the match without the permission of an umpire. 
4.4.1 Injuries to players that require, or are likely to require, hospital treatment or treatment by a 
doctor (for example, serious bleeding, fractures, and suspected fractures) must be reported by either 
team managers, umpires, coaches or tech bench personnel to Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association 
by recording it on the match card and complete online form via Revolutionise sport website. 
4.4.2 Injuries that involve a loss of consciousness or other serious injuries must be reported via a 
phone call to the President of Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association and/or an Executive member 
within the hour. Compliance of this rule is the responsibility of the injured players’ club. YPHA must 
abide by Hockey SA Concussion Policies adopted from and developed by Hockey Australia, available 
on HSA website. 
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Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Competition Rules                                                                                                      
4.4.3 If there is blood on the field of play then it must be cleaned up immediately. During this cleaning 
there must be a stoppage of play. 
4.4.4 If open cuts or abrasions occur, where bleeding is openly involved, during the game, play will 
cease and the player shall be removed from the field of play. All visible blood shall be removed from 
the player and their attire prior to returning to the field of play. 
4.4.5 If bleeding cannot be controlled and the wound securely covered, the player shall not continue 
to take part in the game. 
4.4.6 If bleeding should re-occur after the player has resumed play, after receiving treatment, play will 
cease and the player shall be removed from the field of play.  
4.5.1 WHEN A MATCH MAY BE DELAYED The start time of a match may be delayed by up to ten (10) minutes from the scheduled start 
time if, in the opinion of the umpires in consultation with the team captains weather conditions, 
equipment failure or other circumstances would make it unsafe or impractical to start the match at the 
scheduled time. A team that does not field the minimum number of players within ten (10) minutes of the 
scheduled or delayed starting time of the match will forfeit the match. If the start of a match is delayed then equal time must be deducted from each period of play 
such that the match will end (on time) no later than ten (10) minutes before the scheduled start time of 
the next match to be played on the same field.  
4.6.1 WHEN A MATCH MUST BE ABANDONED A match must be abandoned if  
a) At any time there is no prospect the match can be started within ten (10) minutes after the 
time scheduled for the Fixture  
Due to weather conditions, equipment failure or other circumstances that would make it unsafe or 
impractical to start or continue the match, in the opinion of the Umpire(s) in consultation with team 
captains.  The final result of a 0-0 draw will be recorded in these circumstances. For finals matches, the final result for an abandoned match will be:  
a) A 0-0 draw and  
b) The match will be rescheduled by YPHA executive 
4.7.1  Following are the key principles for consideration: 
Nothing is more important than the safety of players and other people associated with 
the sport. 
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Umpires, coaches, officials, spectators and volunteers are also susceptible to 
reactions to hot/extreme weather. 
We don’t want to act too early such that games are cancelled unnecessarily, 
but equally we need to act where appropriate. 
Where possible, we will first seek to modify the game in preference to cancelling. 
The Bureau of Meteorology website will be used to make the determination by 2 Executive 
members on the day prior to games (Friday): 
If the Venue Location Expected Temperature for the day is: 
1. Up to 31°C games will proceed as planned. 
2. 31-35°C games will be played in equal periods (quarters) not exceeding 17 minutes to 
provide additional breaks to participants. 
3. Above 36°C games will be cancelled. 
Games would not normally be varied for cold weather, unless one of the following is also a factor: 
• Hail 
• Thunderstorm 
• Extreme wind 
• Heavy rain- flooding 
4.7.2 In these situations two (2) Executive members and a member of the host club will make a 
decision regarding whether play continues. During a lightning storm, play will be suspended until there 
is no visible lightning in the region of the venue. 
4.8.1 TIME KEEPING The umpires have sole responsibility for the time keeping of any match.  The Technical Bench 
will also keep time to assist the umpires and also time players serving card violations. Where game day timing allows, a maximum period of ten (10) minutes may be added for 
delays or interruptions but the match must conclude no later than ten (10) minutes before the 
scheduled start time of the next match to be played on the same field. If the start of a match is delayed then equal time must be deducted from each period of play 
such that the match will end (on time) no later than ten (10) minutes before the scheduled start time of 
the next match to be played on the same field.  
4.9.1 A Club that intends to forfeit a match must, if possible, before 12:00PM on the Friday before the 
match, provide notice accordingly to:  
• the secretary of the Club of the opposing team or such other person fulfilling that role; 
• Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Secretary;  
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• the secretary of the Club where the match is scheduled to be played (Venue).  
• In this situation normal umpiring duties will apply, and all other games will continue as 
programmed. (Refer to 4.10.5) 
4.9.2 Unless Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association directs otherwise: If one team is in forfeit of a match, then a win will be recorded for the opposition team, 
with a score of 8-0, or the actual score where the margin is greater than 8-0 in the case of a 
match forfeited after commencement.  
The team that has been forfeited against (ie the said winning team) need to submit a score 
card with a player list and other details as listed in 4.10.5– this needs to be presented to the 
YPHA Executive for approval before the player list can be finalized and be reordered as a 
qualifying round.  
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Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Competition Rules                                                                                                      
4.10.1 DISTRIBUTION Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association must provide suitable match cards to be distributed for 
each competition conducted.   
4.10.2 COMPLETION Clubs must ensure match cards are completed fully and accurately. Match cards must be signed by the captain or manager of the team, the captain or manager 
of the opposing team, the umpires of the match and the technical officer (as applicable) of the match. A team shall be entitled to receive a copy of the completed match card after all necessary 
signatures have been added. (White copy to be place in YPHA box at venue, Green copy to 
Opposition, Yellow copy – each team to keep) 
4.10.3 DETAILS Match cards must include the:  
• date, time and place of the match;  
• division and names of the teams competing;  
• the result of the match;  
• goal scorers; 
• names of all participating players for the team;  
• player roles (captain and goalkeepers);  
• permit players, if applicable;  
• names and signatures of umpires who officiated;  
• details of any misconduct cards (Green/Yellow/Red Card) received;  
• details of any injuries occurring that prevent a player continuing in a match.  
• name and signature of Technical Officer where present. 
• Name and signature of team captains or managers. 
• A players number must be recorded against the player’s name 
A penalty for an incomplete match cards could apply, a $50 fine may be issued at the discretion of 
Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association to the offending club per incomplete card. 
4.10.4 RETENTION Clubs must keep each match card for at least twelve (12) months. Clubs must complete match cards as instructed by Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association. 
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Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Competition Rules                                                                                              Clubs must complete the triplicate match card for each match and lodge it with Yorke 
Peninsula Hockey Association via the prescribed online system, no later than two (2) Business Days 
after each match. The YPHA publicity officer /Match recorder will collect the white scorecards at the completion 
of the games.. Clubs must produce a match card upon request by Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association. 
4.10.5 ABANDONED AND FORFEITED MATCHES A match card must be completed and a copy provided to the opposition club for each 
scheduled match regardless of the outcome of the match, including abandonment and forfeiture. The reason for a forfeit must be recorded on a match card.  
4.10.6 CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE For all purposes a completed match card signed by both captains or managers the Technical 
Officer and the match umpires is conclusive evidence of the facts it records. The team of a player or official that falsifies information concerning players on any match 
card will forfeit the match concerned. Any person involved in the falsification information on a match card may be dealt with under 
Part 9 of these rules. If both clubs agree in writing, or Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association deems it appropriate, a 
completed match card may be altered to correct an error made. 
4.11.1 MATCH RESULTS The detailed results of every competition match must be accurately entered into Yorke 
Peninsula Hockey Associations designated match recording system including all information from the 
match card no later than Noon on the Sunday following the completed match. Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association will advise clubs of the appropriate process for 
uploading this information prior to the commencement of each season. 
4.11.2 DISPUTING RESULTS A Club that participated in a match may dispute the result of that match, or match details 
entered into Yorke Peninsula Hockey Associations designated match recording system, by written 
notice to Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association within five (5) Business Days of the match details 
having been entered. Clubs can dispute results via the designated match recording system.  
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Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Competition Rules                                                                                                      
4.11.3 TEAM LIST AUDITS Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association may, at its discretion, audit all or any team lists in Yorke 
Peninsula Hockey Associations designated match recording system and match cards (see rule, and may require Clubs to explain any irregularities in those team lists. Audits will occur at a 
maximum interval of five competition rounds, and fines will be levied accordingly. 
4.12.1 Prior to commencement of the minor round, Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association may send 
each Club a draft match schedule detailing the times and places it intends to conduct the YPHA 
Competition, and may offer clubs the opportunity to offer feedback.  
4.12.2 At least 1 week prior to the commencement of the minor round, Yorke Peninsula Hockey 
Association must publish the final minor round match schedule (Fixture) on the designated match 
recording system.   
4.13.1 A match may be rescheduled before the next round on agreement between the two clubs 
involved, having regard to matters including (without limit): Ground availability; Umpire availability. Technical Officer availability 
Once agreement to reschedule is reached, provide notice accordingly to:  
• the secretary of the Club of the opposing team or such other person fulfilling that role; 
• Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Secretary;  
• the umpires and technical officer concerned, and  
• the secretary of the Club where the match is scheduled to be played (Venue).  
4.14.1 For matches played in the minor round premiership points will be allocated on the following 
basis: Three (3) premiership points for a win including receiving a forfeit; One (1) premiership point for a draw; and No premiership points for a loss (including giving a forfeit).  
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Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Competition Rules                                                                                                      
4.15.1    BEST AND FAIREST AWARDS At the end of each match umpires shall record votes for the Best and Fairest players 
in the match on the voting slip: three (3) votes for best, two (2) votes for second, and one (1) 
vote for third.  Players who are on field because of Interim Permit are ineligible for Best and Fairest 
Votes for the team they played for, only players registered as current team members are 
eligible to receive votes.  At the end of the minor rounds these votes shall be collated and the winner in each 
grade be awarded a perpetual trophy and an individual trophy.  Any player fully suspended (by red card, accumulation of cards or by a Tribunal) in 
any minor round game will be automatically excluded from Best and Fairest Awards for that 
season. If equal points are awarded at the end of the season, no count back will be taken.   
(1) If the tie is for top position, each player will be awarded an equal trophy. and 
no runner-up trophy will be awarded.  
(2) If the tie is for runner-up then each player will be awarded an equal runner-up  
4.15.2   MOST VALUABLE PLAYER AWARD (MVP). At the end of each match each captain shall nominate a Most Valuable Player from 
the opposition team and record on the voting slip. One (1) point will be recorded for each vote. Players who are on field because of Interim Permit are ineligible for Most Valuable 
Player Votes for the team they played for, only players registered as current team members 
are eligible to receive votes. At the end of the minor rounds these votes shall be collated and the winner in each 
grade be awarded an individual trophy. Any player fully suspended (by red card, accumulation of cards or by a Tribunal) in 
any minor round game will be will be automatically excluded from Most Valuable Player 
Award for that season. If equal points are awarded at the end of the season, no count back will be taken,  
each player will be awarded an equal trophy. 
Play by the Whistle’ is recognition for the players, coaches and supporters that have 
demonstrated good sportsmanship during their match. At the end of each match umpires shall record votes for the Play by the Whistle in the 
match on the voting slip, giving consideration to the sports ‘Player/Athlete Code of Behaviour’:  
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Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Competition Rules                                                                                                      
• three (3) votes for a team demonstrating good sportsmanship, respect for others, not 
engaging in physical or verbal abuse and maintaining the safety and welfare of 
• two (2) votes for a team with minor breaches of the ‘Player/Athlete Code of 
Behaviour’ (including temporary suspensions), 
• one (1) vote for a team with persistent breaches of the ‘Player/Athlete Code of 
Behaviour’. At the end of the minor rounds these votes shall be collated and the winner in each 
grade be awarded a perpetual trophy. If equal points are awarded at the end of the season, no count back will be taken, all 
teams with equal points will share the trophy. 
In the U15, U18, Women’s and Men’s grades players recorded as having scored the most 
goals in the minor rounds (for the team they are registered with) shall be awarded a perpetual 
and an individual trophy. 
At the end of each grand final match the umpires shall decide on the player deemed to be 
Best on Ground for that match and they will be awarded an individual trophy. 
The Association will select FOUR Teams of the Year from the U15, U18, Men’s and 
Women’s. These teams will be encouraged to represent the Association at the following years 
Senior State Country Championships and the age appropriate players from U15 and U18’s 
encouraged to trial for the State Junior Zone Championships. The coaches from each of the teams in the grade concerned and two umpires 
nominated by the Umpire Convenor will nominate a team from all players in that grade. These 
will be collated by an Executive member (Generally YPHA President) and if required, a 
meeting held to determine final Team of the Year. The selection process will take into consideration: 
• The positional balance of the team - the team will consist of a maximum of 16 players 
(for example: 1 goalie, 4 backs, 6 midfielders and 5 strikers).  
• For grades with teams less than the nominated 16 players, TOTY will consist of an 
appropriate number of players to reflect that grade. 
• Demonstrated ability to work with the other Athletes nominated for the team. 
• Demonstrated adherence to the Player/Athlete Code of Behaviour 
• The possession by an athlete of outstanding statistics in club competition, however 
this alone is not a determinative factor. 
• Specific positional skills as well as versatility to play alternative positions. 
• Fitness, health and wellbeing including state of injury/ illness. 
• Demonstrated attitude and commitment to Yorke Peninsula Hockey  Players must have played 50% of scheduled games to be eligible for selection. 
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any minor round game will be will be automatically excluded from selection for Team of The 
Year for that season. The players selected will be announced as the Association Team of the Year at the 
Grand final for the respective grades. All members will receive a commemorative token.  
The coaches of the minor premiership teams (U15, U18, Women and Men) will be awarded 
Coach of the Year and will be invited to coach Association representative teams the following 
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Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Competition Rules                                                                                                      
5.1.1 Finals will be played in grades as determined by Yorke Peninsula Hockey.  
5.1.2 Premiership pennants will be awarded as determined by Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association.  
5.1.3 Suitable umpires will be allocated to finals at the absolute discretion of Yorke Peninsula Hockey 
5.2.1 Should any teams have equal premiership points at the end of the minor round, and the rules 
require it, their final position at the end of the minor round will be determined as follows: The team with the highest goal difference (goals for minus goals against) shall be 
deemed the higher placed team. If the goal difference is equal, the team with the greater number of ‘goals for’ shall be 
deemed the higher placed team. If the number of ‘goals for’ is equal, the aggregate of the ‘goals for’ in the minor round 
matches between these teams shall be used to determine the higher placed team. If the teams are still equal, a penalty stroke competition must be conducted as soon 
as possible to determine the higher placed team.  
5.3.1 In a 4 team or more competition the first four teams at the completion of the minor round will 
participate in Finals in the following sequence:  
Semi Final 1: 1st v 2nd  
Semi Final 2: 3rd v 4th  
Preliminary Final: Loser Semi Final 1 v Winner Semi Final 2  
Grand Final: Winner Semi Final 1 v Winner Preliminary Final  
In the case of a 3 team competition, the Minor Premiers (top placed team after the minor rounds) will 
be automatically promoted to the Grand Final and teams 2 and 3 will play in the Preliminary Final with 
the winner playing in the Grand Final.  
5.4.1 A player will only be eligible to play Finals for a team in a given division if they have played at 
least one third (1/3rd) matches (excluding byes) of minor round matches in that competition. 
Management of player lists is a club responsibility; however Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association will 
require clubs to provide lists of qualified players for auditing purposes prior to the Finals.  
5.5.1 Clubs that have teams qualified to play in the Finals must complete and submit a player list to 
the Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Secretary, by the Monday prior to the commencement of 
finals. This list will be made available to all clubs upon request.  
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5.5.2 Teams who fail to provide the required information by the due date may be prevented from 
participating in the finals, at the discretion of Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association.  
5.6.1 A Club that plays a player in any finals match who has not met the relevant eligibility criteria will 
forfeit the match and a result of 8-0 recorded.  
If a Finals match is drawn, the winner of the match shall be determined as follows: 
5.7.1 EXTRA TIME After a 5-minute rest the umpires must toss a coin with the captains, the winner of the toss will 
have the choice of ends or possession of the ball to restart the match. The extension shall consist of 
two periods of 5 minutes each in between which teams shall change ends, without a rest period. The first team to be awarded a goal before the end of extra time will be the winner of the 
5.7.2 DRAWN FINALS MATCH AFTER EXTRA TIME If a final is drawn after extra time the winner will be determined by a one on one (1v1) 
competition. The 1 on 1 Shootout will be conducted as below PENALTY SHOOT OUT COMPETITION The shootout will be determined on the result of a set of five (5) shots. Each team 
Captain shall nominate five (5) different players to participate in the shootout. Any player who 
has been temporarily suspended during the course of that game shall be eligible to take part 
in the shootout, but any player who has been fully suspended during the course of the game 
shall be ineligible to take part in the shootout. The designated players shall play a shot 
alternately against the designated goalkeeper of the other team unless the latter has been 
incapacitated and replaced. A total of ten (10) shots will be played, Five (5) of, each team. The umpires shall choose the goal to be used and shall supervise the toss between 
Captains to decide which team will take first penalty shot. The team having been awarded the 
highest number of goals shall be declared the winner. The attacker shall stand behind the twenty-five (25) yard line, in the centre of the field. 
The opposition goalkeeper shall stand on the goal line, and in the goal. The goalkeeper’s feet 
must be on or behind the line. When the umpire is satisfied that both players are in the correct 
Position and ready he/she shall commence play by blowing his/her whistle. The goalkeeper 
may not move until the whistle is blown. The attacker has eight (8) seconds in which to score 
(ie. The ball must pass over the goal line between the posts.) The eight (8) seconds shall be 
independently timed by the second Umpire. Whilst the ball is in the circle, the ball is in play. A 
breach by the goalkeeper, unintentional, or deliberate will result in a penalty goal being 
awarded. A breach by the attacker (including starting before the whistle) will result in the end 
of the attempt. The attempt is concluded when a goal is scored, a penalty goal is awarded, 
the ball has left the circle, or gone over the goal line (no matter who last hit it), the attacker or 
goalkeeper has breached the rules, or time has expired.  
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Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Competition Rules                                                                                              In the event of an equal number of goals having been awarded to each team, another 
series of penalty 1v1’s shall be started, involving the same players. The second series shall 
feature “sudden death”, which shall mean the winner shall be the team to have been awarded 
more goals than the opposing team, after an equal number of shots. If necessary, the “sudden 
death” series may exceed ten (10) penalty shots. The sequence doesn’t have to be the same in the “sudden death” series as it was in 
the first series. The player who takes the first penalty shot of the first series shall not 
necessarily take the first penalty 1v1’s of the “sudden Death” series. 
5.7.4 CONDUCT OF PENALTY STROKE COMPETITION In the event where a finals game is to be played on grass, a penalty stroke competition will 
take the place of the penalty shootout. A penalty stroke competition will be determined on the result of 
a set of five (5) penalty strokes per team, according to the following procedure: Each team Captain must nominate five (5) players to participate in the penalty 
stroke competition; Any player who has been temporarily suspended (yellow card) during the course of 
that match is eligible to take part in the penalty stroke competition; Any player who has been suspended (red card) during the course of the match is 
ineligible to take part in the penalty stroke competition; The umpires must choose the goal to be used and must supervise the coin toss 
between captains to decide which team will take the first penalty stroke; The designated players must play a penalty stroke alternately against one and the 
same goalkeeper of the other team, unless the same goalkeeper has been incapacitated and 
replaced; The team scoring the highest number of goals will be the winner; If after five penalty strokes per team an equal number of goals have been awarded 
to each team, another series of penalty strokes must be started, involving the same players. 
The second series will feature “sudden death‟, which will mean that the winner will be the 
team to have been awarded more goals than the opposing team, after an equal number of 
shots; The sequence does not have to be the same in the “sudden death” series as it was 
in the first series. For example, the player who takes the first penalty stroke of the first series 
need not necessarily take the first penalty stroke of the “sudden death” series.  
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In the Senior Competition, in the minor round only, while the stated intention is to play eleven-a-side 
(11), if at all possible, both captains may agree to play with less players.  
6.1.1 Any team may loan players to any other team in its grade in order to equalise player numbers 
with the permission of both captains using an Interim Permit form. The Interim Permit must be correct and signed by both captains. If using a junior 
player in senior competition it must be signed by a responsible parent/Guardian for that child. Interim Permits are to be used to fill on-field player vacancies, unless both captains 
agree it is in the best interest of the game, whereby they can agree to Interim Permit to a 
maximum of 12 players on the match card at the commencement of the match. Players who are registered with the team looking for Interim Permit players must be 
that teams first choice to fill vacancies. Interim Permits may be rescinded by the opposition Captain at any stage during the 
game by notifying the Tech Bench and Captain of the team requesting the Interim Permit. Games played under an Interim Permit DO NOT count towards qualification for major 
round games. No Interim Permits are allowed in Major Round Games. 
Penalty – A penalty may apply at the discretion of the Executive Committee. 
6.2.1 The permit must be recorded on the match card with a “P” against the name of the player for 
whom the playing permit was granted and the Interim Permit form must accompany with the white 
copy of the Match Card for the Match recorder.  
6.3.1 A playing permit is only valid for the player and the match for which it was granted.  
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7.1.1 All Clubs must notify Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association team uniform colours, including socks 
and any alternate strips (if applicable) prior to playing in that strip.  
7.1.2 All club colours, details and alterations to uniforms, shall be presented for approval at the first 
Delegates Meeting for the season. 
7.1.3 All Clubs must consider uniform clashes and nominate an alternate strip for these occasions.  
7.1.4 Players must wear their official team uniform. Shorts must be sports appropriate and only in
seam pockets are acceptable.  
7.1.5 All players of the same team must wear the same uniform (except for the goalkeeper). The goal 
keeper must wear an over shirt top that is a different colour to that of his or her team and also that of 
the opposition team.  
7.1.6 Each player in a team must wear a number on the back of their shirt/bodysuit and it must be 
legible and in a different colour to the colour of the shirt/bodysuit.  
7.1.7 Each player on a team must have a different number, these need not be sequential.  
7.1.8 Numbers must be recorded against the player’s name on the match card for each match.  
7.1.9 All footwear must be suitable for the playing surface on which it is to be used and must not be 
predominantly white or green.  
7.1.10 A player wearing an incorrect uniform must not participate in a match without permission of the 
Umpire(s) and the opposition team captain. Players under an Interim Permit need not necessarily be 
in the team uniform, but their attire must be suitable for the game of hockey and must not clash with 
the opposition team uniform. 
7.1.11 Where a team is reported by an umpire for failing to comply with the uniform requirements that 
team may be fined $50 for each occasion that it fails to comply. 
7.2.1 Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association encourages field players to wear mouth guards and shin 
pads and goalkeepers to wear the full range of protective equipment available in addition to that 
defined in the Rules of Hockey. Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association also encourages players 
defending penalty corners to use appropriate facemasks, gloves and groin protection. Yorke 
Peninsula Hockey Association further encourages all goalkeepers to equip themselves with protection 
equipment of a standard appropriate to the level of competition in which they participate. 
7.2.2 On written application, Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association may permit a field player to wear 
protective clothing or equipment outside the Rules of Hockey for medical reasons, provided the 
clothing or equipment is not likely to cause a danger to other players and the player can substantiate 
the medical reasons.  
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7.3.1 PERMITTED ITEMS Apart from the registered team uniform and items covered by the Rules of Hockey the only 
other permissible items that can be worn are: wedding rings and medical bracelets, provided they are taped in a manner unlikely 
to cause any injury to another player. Only small stud or sleeper earrings are allowed. Other 
jewellery, including watches, is not allowed; headwear with a soft edge that is unlikely to cause injury to another player. 
Headwear with hard edges (such as a peaked/baseball cap) is not allowed. wearable fitness devices are permitted, provided they are made from soft plastic and 
covered. An umpire or technical official may require the removal of any item worn by a player, whether 
or not the item is covered by these rules, if in their opinion it might cause an injury to the player or 
another player. 
7.4.1 A player on the field of play must not use or be equipped with any device to receive 
7.5. BALL 
7.5.1 The provision of a ball is the responsibility of the first named team. 
7.5.2 White balls must be used for the duration of the match. A fluoro-green ball may be substituted 
on the turf if both sides agree. 
7.6.1 HOME GROUNDS Clubs must nominate a home ground for each of its teams and obtain the consent of the 
ground owner prior to nominating the ground as a home ground at the first delegates meeting for the 
7.6.2. FIXTURE ALLOCATIONS Fixtures are subject to the considerations of the Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association. 
7.7.1 Matches must be conducted on grounds and with equipment that are safe and suitable.  
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7.7.2    All clubs are to ensure there is a five (5) metre dotted line from the side lines to ensure 
spectators do not sit close to the field. 
7.7.3 Where there are two fields being used simultaneously alongside each other, NO spectators are 
to sit between the two fields. 
7.8.1 Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association may inspect YPHA grounds at regular intervals to 
determine whether the ground is suitable for the competition being conducted on it. Yorke Peninsula 
Hockey Association must prepare a written report detailing any deficiencies.  
7.8.2 Clubs must conduct annual inspection of their own grounds and complete any self-assessment 
as required by Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association.  
7.8.3 Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association may request that a Club undertake a ground inspection 
before a specified date, in which case, the Club must give a written report to Yorke Peninsula Hockey 
Association detailing any deficiencies within seven (7) days of the date of the inspection.  
7.8.4 A Club may make a request in writing that Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association inspects a 
ground it considers unsuitable for the competition being played on it.  
7.8.5 A request must detail the nature of any deficiencies.  
7.8.6 Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association may carry out an inspection requested within seven (7) 
days of the date of the request, and provide a written report of the inspection to each Club.  
7.8.7 All Finals (Semi, Preliminary and Grand Final) will be played on the ground that is deemed the 
best surface. 
7.9.1 If a ground is deemed unsuitable for play by Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association and / or the 
Club that uses the ground must: immediately give Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association written notice, and provide an 
indication of when the ground might be suitable for play; give notice to any Club scheduled to play at the ground within the next 48 hours 
(unless it is agreed with Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association that it will give that notice); as soon as the ground is suitable for play, give written notice to Yorke Peninsula 
Hockey Association.  
7.9.2 Matches will be re-scheduled to other grounds until the problem is rectified.  
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8.1.1 A Panel Umpire is an umpire who is appointed by Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association to 
umpire matches in the Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association YPHA Competition. 
8.1.2 Panel umpires must: Be registered with Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association; Abide by any Codes of Conduct that are introduced from time to time; Attend any meetings, training and/or development that is determined by Yorke 
Peninsula Hockey Association from time to time and adhere to any administrative instruction 
or directive dealing with umpiring that is determined by Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association; Undergo periodic assessment by Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association or its 
designated officials; Umpires must wear a distinctive ‘Coloured Shirt‘ that contrasts with the participating 
teams and are encouraged to wear dark coloured skirt/track pants or trousers. 
8.1.3 Panel umpires allocated to matches by Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association are entitled to 
payment as determined from time to time by Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association.  
8.2.1 Club Umpires are not necessarily fully accredited, but are allocated by their Club to umpire 
matches in the YPHA Competition. 
8.2.2 Clubs must ensure club umpires possess knowledge of the Rules of Hockey and the 
responsibilities of an umpire.  
8.2.3 Each Club is encouraged to provide at least one candidate per team in the YPHA senior 
competition for umpire training, who must attend lectures as determined by Yorke Peninsula Hockey 
Associations umpiring policy and conducted by arrangement with Clubs. 
8.2.4 Club Umpires must wear a distinctive ‘Coloured Shirt‘ that contrasts with the participating teams 
and are encouraged to wear dark coloured skirt/track pants or trousers.  
8.2.5 Club umpires are entitled to payment as determined from time to time by Yorke Peninsula 
Hockey Association. 
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8.3.1 Umpires must umpire matches in accordance with the Playing Rules of the FIH including any 
Local Rules defined in these rules, and ensure that the rules regarding uniform and equipment, 
conduct of matches, and substitution and interchange are applied correctly.  
8.4.1 During a match, an umpire may request that players, team management and spectators modify 
their behaviour, or that spectators and/or team management change their position on or around the 
field to enable the match to be played safely and fairly. Spectators and Officials are subject to the 
Spectators and Officials Codes of Behaviour embedded within the Hockey Australia Member 
Protection Policy. 
8.4.2 Such requests may be made directly to the person(s) involved or through the team captain(s).  
8.4.3 If requests are not met, the umpire may take any, or all, of the following steps: Take whatever action they consider necessary or appropriate in accordance with the 
Rules of Hockey; Stop the game until such time as the request(s) is complied with; End the game and submit a written report to Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association.  
8.5.1 Any action by an umpire must be reported to Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Secretary in 
writing within two (2) business days, and contain all information and may lead to Tribunal proceedings. 
8.6.1 Prior to each match the umpires must ensure both teams have entered match and team 
information on the match card.  
8.6.2 At half time Umpires must check both match cards to ensure all players are recorded. At this 
time umpires should place a line through any blank lines on the match card, to prevent the addition of 
players names after half time.  
8.6.3 After each match the umpires must ensure the match cards are complete, including recording of 
misconduct cards and crossing out any players not taken to the field. Umpires are to ensure the 
match card is signed by each team captain or team manager, technical officer and each umpire.  
8.7.1 A Club may give Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association a written report of an umpire’s 
performance. Such a report will be authorised by a Club President or Secretary and must reach Yorke 
Peninsula Hockey Association within (2) business days of the match in question being played.  
8.7.2 Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association must investigate a report and may publish its findings at its 
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8.8.1 Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association has implemented a Technical Bench for U15, U18, men’s 
and women’s matches. Each field will have an exclusion zone five (5) metres either side of the 
Technical Bench, which spectators and coaches are not allowed to enter. 
8.8.2 The Technical Officer is part of the officials of the game and works with the umpires as a team 
and are required to: adhere to any administrative instruction or directive dealing with the running of 
matches that is determined by Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association from time to time; assist with time keeping: if requested by the appointed umpires; supervise and time suspended players; supervise the treatment and return of bleeding players and supervise the removal of 
blood from playing surfaces; in cooperation with the umpires ensure that match cards are completed and properly 
8.8.3 Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association requires the first named team in each match to provide 
one (1) Tech Bench volunteer to officiate in that match in accordance with these Rules.  
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9.1.1 An umpire may caution (verbally), temporarily suspend - Green card –> 2 minute temporary 
suspension, Yellow card -> minimum 5 minutes temporary suspension, or suspend (red card) a player, 
coach, manager or other team official under this rule.  
9.1.2 Any player in any grade awarded a green card shall be suspended for a period of (2) two 
minutes of playing time. Time will be kept by the Tech Bench or Umpire where no tech bench is 
operating. The player issued a green card must take up a position at the technical bench if in 
games where a Technical Officer is present or on the side line level with the centre line where no 
Technical Bench area is designated. Timing will not commence until the player is seated at the Tech 
Bench or seated on the sideline if no Tech Bench is operating. 
9.1.3 A yellow card temporarily suspends a player, coach, manager or other team official for a 
minimum of five (5) minutes of playing time. Timing will not commence until the player is seated at the 
Tech Bench or seated on the sideline if no Tech Bench is operating. 
9.1.4 If a player coach, manager or other team official receives two (2) yellow cards in a match for the 
same offence the second card is deemed a red card and will result in a player being suspended from 
all Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association sanctioned competitions for the remainder of the competition 
week in progress when the accumulation occurred and Rule 9.1.7 applies. In this case Rule 9.2.1 
does not apply.  
9.1.5 A player, coach, manager or other official who is issued a yellow card must: take up a position at the technical bench if in games where a Technical Officer is 
present or  on the side line level with the centre line. Timing will not commence until the 
player is seated at the Tech Bench or seated on the sideline if no Tech Bench is operating. leave the field and its surrounding area, if the umpire directs that the yellow card is for 
the remainder of the match (either as a first offence or as a second offence).  
9.1.6 A red card permanently suspends a player, coach, manager or other team official from the 
remainder of the competition week in progress when the accumulation occurred and for a minimum of 
one subsequent competition week from all Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association sanctioned 
competitions in addition to any ruling from a tribunal. 
9.1.7 A player, coach, manager or other team official who is issued a red card must leave the field, 
player’s bench and surrounding area for the remainder of the match.  
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9.1.8 An umpire who issues a red card must ensure it is recorded on the match card and must provide 
a brief written report of the incident(s) that led to the red card, including a copy of the match card, to 
Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association before 5.00pm on the second Business Day after the match.  
9.1.9 A player, coach, manager or other team official who is issued a red card (but not a yellow/red) 
must attend a tribunal hearing as directed by Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association.  
9.2.1 A player will be automatically suspended for one competition week from all Yorke Peninsula 
Hockey Association sanctioned competitions on the basis of the accumulation (across U15, U18, 
men’s and women’s) of the following number of yellow cards throughout the season, including finals: in the first instance on the accumulation of three (3) yellow cards; in the second instance on the accumulation of a further two (2) yellow cards; and in the third and subsequent instances on the accumulation of a further single yellow 
9.2.5 Each Club must maintain accurate records of the yellow cards issued to its members.  
9.3.1 In the case of an automatic suspension from the accumulation of yellow cards, the suspension 
will apply from the next Competition Week for which the player is otherwise eligible (minor round, 
Finals or minor round of the following season) in any Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association sanctioned 
competition after the accumulation of the required number of yellow cards.  
9.3.2 In the case of a suspension following a tribunal hearing, the suspension will apply from the next 
scheduled match after the hearing is completed and the decision is made.  
9.3.3 A player, coach, manager or other team official who is under any suspension must not enter a 
team dug-out or playing area for a match controlled by Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association until that 
suspension is served. 
9.3.4 A player, coach, manager or other team official who is under any suspension from any Yorke 
Peninsula Hockey Association Club or Regional Association must not play or be engaged in any 
game in any Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association sanctioned competition, until that suspension is 
served regardless of the division or competition in which the suspension was imposed. 
9.3.5 A player, coach, manager or other team official who is found guilty by a tribunal hearing and 
suspended, is ineligible for Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association awards in that year.  
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9.3.6 Any Club that plays a suspended player or engages a suspended coach, manager or team 
official for a match: will forfeit the match; and will pay a fine of $250.  
The following procedure must be followed to prepare a report for referral to a tribunal under this 
9.4.1 INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS A Report must contain the following information where applicable:  
• match details including date, start time, teams participating;  
• names of umpires and other officials;  
• name and signature(s) of reporting umpire(s);  
• a brief statement outlining the alleged misconduct. This may be accompanied by 
more detailed reports in separate documents including statements by witnesses;  
• the name(s) of the reported person(s);  
• the name(s) of any witnesses;  
• in the case of an alleged misconduct against another person(s) the name of the 
aggrieved person(s).  
• Copy of match cards If a tribunal is conducted on the basis of a report, copies of the report and supporting 
documentation must be forwarded to the reported person(s) with notification of the hearing. Where it is alleged that the person(s) have breached a rule or Player/Athlete Code of 
Behaviour they must also be supplied with the relevant documents that contain those rules or Codes 
of Conduct.  
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Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Competition Rules                                                                                                      
9.5.1 REFERRAL All disputes and disciplinary matters will be referred to Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association 
President or nominee, who shall call a Tribunal hearing in accordance with the Association By-Laws. 
Matches will have the following duration: 
Senior Competition – four periods of seventeen (15) Minutes with two minute breaks between first and 
second and third and fourth periods and five (5) minute changeover between second and third 
periods. Players are not to leave the field at ¼ and ¾ time, drinks to be brought out – to keep games 
on time.  
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Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Competition Rules                                                                                                      
11.1.1 In the junior competition, one person may go to the aid of an injured player at any time. As far 
as possible, subject to the injured player’s best interests, a person entering the field of play under this 
rule must consult with the Umpire(s) before entering the field of play.  
Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association mandates junior players defending penalty corners to use 
appropriate facemasks. 
In the interests of ensuring all players get a game, teams are encouraged to share players, if other 
teams are short to allow the game to continue in a fair and equitable manner. 
Junior players may play up one age group, as appropriate. Junior players wishing to play more than 
one age group above their age group require YPHS junior committee approval. Junior players under 
15 playing in senior (men’s and women’s) competitions require parental approval with the signed 
consent form sent to YPHA secretary. 
11.2.1 PITCH SIZE Under 8 matches are played on a ¼ of standard field. Where possible, small nets may be used as goals, however, markers or witches hats are 
also acceptable; and the goal width must be approximately 1.5 metres.  
11.2.2 NUMBER OF PLAYERS No more than 6 players can take the field at any one time. Goalkeepers may be used but are not compulsory.  
11.2.3 MATCH DURATION Two periods of fifteen (15) Minutes with a two (2) minute changeover between periods. 
11.2.4 FREE HITS When a free is being taken all players must be at least 5 metres (5 big steps) away from the 
player with the ball. Free hits must not be taken any closer than 10 metres from the goal line. At a free 
hit, centre pass or sideline hit-in the player may use an auto play/self-pass.  
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Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Competition Rules                                                                                                      
11.2.5 PENALTY CORNERS There will be no penalty corners in the U8 competition. If there is a breach by the defending 
team within 10 metres of the goal line the attacking team will be awarded a free hit approximately 10 
metres out from the goal line, in line with where the breach occurred.  
11.2.6 PENALTY STROKES There will be no penalty strokes in the U8 competition. 
11.2.7 LONG CORNERS There will be no long corners in the U8 competition. If the ball is deflected by either team 
over the goal line the defending team will be awarded a free hit approximately 10 metres out from the 
goal line, in line with where the ball crossed the goal line. 
11.2.8 GOAL SCORING A goal can only be scored by an attacker from within 10 metres of the goal.  
11.2.9 DANGEROUS PLAY Players must not raise their stick above shoulder height. Players must not use the tomahawk (reverse shot using edge of the stick). Players must not raise the ball; generally the ball must be below knee height at all times.  
11.2.10 BODY CONTACT Players in the U8 competition must not be hit in the body or feet with the ball; however, the 
Umpire may allow play to continue if it is not to the player's advantage. 
11.2.11 COACHES One Coach per team in U8 matches may enter the field of play at any time during a match, 
provided the coach is identified to an Umpire prior to the start of the match and identified again if there 
is a change of coach during the match.  
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Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Competition Rules                                                                                                      
11.2.12 SUBSTITUTIONS The game will not stop for substitutions. Incoming player must wait at the halfway line until 
outgoing player is off the field of play. 
11.3.1 PITCH SIZE Under 11 matches are played on a 1/2 of standard field. Full size goals are to be used.  
11.3.2 NUMBER OF PLAYERS No more than 6 field players can take the field at any one time and one goalkeeper. Goalkeepers must be fully padded.  
11.3.3 MATCH DURATION Four periods of ten (10) Minutes with a two (2) minute changeover between quarters with five 
(5) minutes at half time. 
11.3.4 FREE HITS When a free is being taken all players must be at least 5 metres ( 5 big steps) away from the 
player with the ball. Free hits must not be taken any closer than 10 metres from the goal line. At a free 
hit, centre pass or sideline hit-in the player may use an auto play/self pass. Ball out of play over backline by attacking team: Hit or push to defenders from top of the 
circle, in line with position it went over the backline. The player may use a self pass (auto-pass) or 
make a pass. Ball out of play sideline: Side line hit must be taken at the place on the side line where the 
ball went out. The player may use a self pass (auto-pass) or make a pass. 
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Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Competition Rules                                                                                              There will be penalty corners awarded in this grade. Four defenders and the goalkeeper will 
start in the goal behind the line. The remaining two players from the defensive team will go stand in 
the other circle. One player from the attacking team will push the ball from the backline (one third of distance 
from edge of circle) to one of the other attacking players. To be able to score a goal the ball must 
travel outside of the circle before it can be taken back into the circle and a shot completed. A shot at goal must not be raised 
11.3.6 PENALTY STROKES There will be no penalty strokes in the U11 competition.  
11.3.7 LONG CORNERS When the ball crosses the backline and the last player to touch the ball was a defender the 
attacking team will receive a free hit in line with half way. From here all players must be 5m away and 
the ball must either travel 5m or be touched by another player before it can go into the circle. 
11.3.8 GOAL SCORING To score a goal an attacking player must touch the ball with the correct side of their hockey 
stick within their attacking circle.  
11.3.9 DANGEROUS PLAY Players must not raise their stick above shoulder height. Players must not use the tomahawk (reverse shot using edge of the stick). Reverse (Back 
stick) sweep is allowed providing the ball is not raised. Players must not raise the ball; generally the ball must be below knee height at all times.  
11.3.10 SUBSTITUTIONS The game will not stop for substitutions. Incoming player must wait at the halfway line until 
outgoing player is off the field of play. 
11.3.11 Coaches may enter the field of play occasionally to assist with team set up, but must return to 
the sideline during play. 
11.3.11 SCORE CARDS 
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Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Competition Rules                                                                                              Umpires must complete ‘Play By The Whistle’ ratings for both teams in Under 11 
competition and place in envelope.   Either umpires or coaches complete the best player nominations for each team on the 
scorecard for reporting in Country Times. These votes are not collated by the association. 
11.4.1 PITCH SIZE Under 15 matches are played on a full size standard field. Full size goals are to be used.  
11.4.2 NUMBER OF PLAYERS No more than 10 field players can take the field at any one time and one goalkeeper. Goalkeepers must be fully padded.  
11.4.3 MATCH DURATION Four periods of twelve (12) Minutes with a two (2) minute changeover between quarters with 
a five (5) minutes half time. 
11.4.3 RULES Under 15 matches will be played with full FIH rules. 
11.5.1 PITCH SIZE Under 18 matches are played on a 1/2 of standard field. Full size goals are to be used.  
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Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Competition Rules                                                                                              No more than 6 field players can take the field at any one time and one goalkeeper. Goalkeepers must be fully padded.  
11.5.3 MATCH DURATION Four periods of twelve (12) Minutes with a two (2) minute changeover between quarters and 
five (5) minutes at half time. 
11.5.3 FREE HITS When a free is being taken all players must be at least 5 metres ( 5 big steps) away from the 
player with the ball. Free hits must not be taken any closer than 10 metres from the goal line. At a free 
hit, centre pass or sideline hit-in the player may use an auto play/self pass. Ball out of play over backline by attacking team: Hit or push to defenders from top of the 
circle, in line with position it went over the backline. Ball out of play sideline: Side line hit must be taken at the place on the side line where the 
ball went out. The player may use a self pass (auto-pass) or make a pass. 
11.5.4 PENALTY CORNERS There will be penalty corners awarded in this grade. Four defenders and the goalkeeper will 
start in the goal behind the line. The remaining two player from the defensive team will go stand in the 
other circle. One player from the attacking team will push the ball from the backline (one third of distance 
from edge of circle) to one of the other attacking players. To be able to score a goal the ball must 
travel outside of the circle before it can be taken back into the circle and a shot completed. A shot at goal must not be raised, but can be deflected up into the goal by another player. 
11.5.5 PENALTY STROKES There will be penalty strokes in the U18 competition as per FIH rules.  
11.5.6 LONG CORNERS When the ball crosses the backline and the last player to touch the ball was a defender the 
attacking team will receive a free hit in line with where it went out on the quarter way line. From here 
all players must be 5m away and the ball must either travel 5m or be touched by another player 
before it can go into the circle. 
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Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association Competition Rules                                                                                                      
11.5.7 GOAL SCORING To score a goal an attacking player must touch the ball with the correct side of their hockey 
stick within their attacking circle.  
11.5.8 DANGEROUS PLAY Players must not raise their stick above shoulder height. Players must not use the tomahawk (reverse shot using edge of the stick).  
11.5.11 SUBSTITUTIONS The game will not stop for substitutions. Incoming player must wait at the halfway line until 
outgoing player is off the field of play. Permits are allowed to enable each team to have at least one reserve. 
The Yorke Peninsula Hockey Association is committed to the safety and wellbeing of children and 
young people who participate in our clubs activities or use our services.  We support the rights of the 
child and will act at all times to ensure that a child safe environment is maintained.  We also support 
the rights and wellbeing of our staff and volunteers and encourage their active participation in building 
and maintaining a secure and safe environment for all participants. 
We will: 
• promote and model appropriate standards of behaviour at all times; 
• deal with any complaints made in an appropriate manner; 
• deal with any breaches of the Player/ Athlete Code of Behaviour in an appropriate manner; 
• seek advice from and refer serious issues to Hockey SA. 
Serious issues include unlawful behaviour that involves or could lead to significant harm and includes 
criminal behaviour (e.g. physical assault, sexual assault, child abuse) and any other issues that our 
state or national bodies request to be referred to them. 
Criminal History/ Police Checks aim to create a child-safe environment and to protect children and 
young people involved in our sport from physical and sexual harm. Clubs are required to ensure 
coaches, managers and tech bench personnel have a current police checks. 
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Version Januray 2024 
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