Club Racing
Club Racing
If you know what race you want to register for, click here. For explanations of what kind of races and events we run, when we run them and what’s involved, please read below.
We race many off-the-beach dinghy and catamaran classes with all levels of experience catered for, from beginner to national champions. We race every Saturday from late September to early April. Results are provided after racing and, for pointscore races, prizes awarded to the winners.
On Tuesday evenings during daylight saving, we provide twilight sailing for juniors and novices (but all sailors welcome).
Each year the Club runs three ACT championships. Regular Championships are the ACT Multihull Championships, in October of each year, and the ACT Team Racing Championships, in late February. The Canberra Yacht Club and ourselves alternate (every two years) in running the ACT Dinghy Championships and the ACT Youth Championships.
In most years, the Club, on behalf of class associations, runs one or more national championships.
Racing starts at 2pm on Saturdays throughout the spring, summer and into the autumn.
Results are posted to our website as soon as possible on each racing day (normally by 1730 hours).
Occasionally, we have to cancel racing at short notice because of unfavourable weather conditions. Check our cancellations to avoid an unnecessary trip.
Racing Classes & Associations
We currently provide racing for off-the-beach multihulls and monohulls in the following Divisions:
· Multihulls
· Pacers, Lasers, Herons and other high yardstick monohulls.
· International 2.4m
· Sharpies and other low yardstick monohulls
All classes are welcome at the Club. Classes sailed at the Club include (Click on the links to visit the relevant association):
- International 2.4m
- Sharpies Pacer
- Herons
- Paper Tiger
- NS 14
Racing Formats
Twilight Sailing
Three to four short races comprising a triangle and a windward return leg. On-water coaching provided. Racing starts at 1800 hours. Sailors from the ANU Sailing Club participate and we often have more than 20 boats. More information and our Twilight Sailing schedule here.
Two races completed on the same day. Eight championship races per season. Fleet split into divisions (see above). Results and scoring are done on scratch timing and Australian Sailing Yardstick.
Two races per day weather permitting, Point Score A series runs over eight Saturdays (16 races) before Christmas. Point Score B series runs over seven Saturdays (14 races) after Christmas Same format as championship, however scoring and results are determined by an individual’s handicap and Australian Sailing Yardstick. Championship races also count towards point score series.
Alternate Course
Shorter fun races. At least 2 and up to 5 races per day (weather permitting). Run over different race formats and courses with a high emphasis on fun. Very user-friendly format. Scheduled when out-of-town regattas will impact the Club fleet.
Start by yourself or fleet race, do as many laps as you want and your fastest lap will be recorded. Results then decided on corrected time (Australian Sailing Yardstick).
Stern Chaser
One long race around the lake, each class has its own start time. If the handicapper is correct all finish together. Traditional season opener.
One long race around the lake, all start together and scoring done on corrected times (Australian Sailing Yardstick). Traditional season closer.
Our Equipment
We have a Committee Boat and three RIBs as safety boats. Australian Sailing has a RIB stationed in Canberra, which can also be available to assist with large fleets. We have a set of buoys and associated equipment suitable for fleet racing.
For team racing we have a set of buoys, an auto hoot and associated equipment. Our team’s racing venue has a beach change-over and spectator point within 50 meters of the course. Other sailing clubs in the ACT assist with team racing regattas so that we can provide a committee boat, a finish boat, six umpire boats and a utility boat.
Our Skills
The Club has experience in conducting large regattas at State level and in conducting National regattas for class associations. We have a pool of experienced regatta managers, and, for Team Racing, a pool of people experienced in key positions.
The Club also has a pool of members who have many years of experience as a race officer at State and National level events, both in fleet racing and teams racing.
The ACT has built a pool of Team Racing umpires, to the extent that at the 2021 ACT Team Racing Championships we were able to supplement three invited umpires with nine local umpires, allowing two umpires per umpire boat.
Our Race Secretary and assistants are experienced users of Sailwave, our scoring software and have shown that they are capable of quickly and accurately processing results for large fleets.