Code of Conduct, Constitution and Policies



Following documents are available on request

Please don't hesitate to contact to get access


Strategic Plan

Risk Management, Safety

DSC Safety Management System - Emergency Plan - Event Management - Health and Safety Policy - Child Safe Policy - Incident Report Policy - Incident Report Form - MAST Safety Management Plan 

Safety Boat Manual - WYC Race and Incident Management Plan - Equipment Usage 

Health Policies

Alcohol and Smoking Management Policy - Healthy Food and Drink Policy - Illegal Drugs Policy - Mental Health Policy - COVID19 Safety Plan -COVID19 Protocol 

Code of Conduct Policies

WYC Junior Policy - \Sailability Tasmania Charter of Conduct - AS Coaches and Instructor Code of Conduct 

Discover Sailing Center Operating Policies

AS Privacy Policy - Emergency Plan - Emergency Site Plan - DS Operating Procedures 


Learners Induction 


Canteen Management  Information - Kitchen usage rules - Policy Social Committee -


Clubhouse Hire Policy - Key Policy - Site Plan -


Lift Use Policy - Lift Information Policy 



Files available for download

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