
WWSA AGM 2024/25

Published Sun 14 Jul 2024

Wednesday 31st July 2024 at 7pm The Rules Club - Bowlers Lounge

The Wagga Softball Association's Annual General Meeting for the upcoming Season is scheduled for Wednesday, 31st July 2024 at 7pm in compliance with our Constitution.

We strongly emphasise the critical importance of our Executive Roles and the dire need for committed individuals who are ready to step up and dedicate themselves to the tasks at hand. The success of our association hinges on these roles being filled with individuals who are not only willing but also enthusiastic about contributing their efforts.

We urge the presence of all Club Executive Members, Coaches, Players, Parents, and supporters who are integral to the growth and success of softball in our community. Please ensure widespread promotion of this meeting within your Clubs to garner the necessary support.

At this meeting, all positions will be declared vacant. We encourage anyone with a willingness to contribute to consider standing for a role and supporting our association's operations.

Nominations can be submitted in advance using the online form via the link below. Please note that proxy votes are not permitted, and voters must be 16 years of age or older to participate.

Attached to this email is also the board charter, detailing the responsibilities and expectations for both Executive and subcommittee members.

We specifically call for nominations for the following positions:

Executive Roles:

  • President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Coaching Coordinator
  • Marketing & Media Coordinator
  • Competitions/Registrar Coordinator
  • Development & Representative Coordinator
  • Facilities Coordinator
  • Umpires & Scorers Coordinator

Subcommittee Roles:

  • Competition Registrar
  • Senior/Male League Manager
  • Junior League Manager

Support Roles:

  • Grounds Manager
  • Canteen Manager
  • Selection Committee (2 members from each Club)
  • Umpire in Charge (UIC)
  • Disciplinary Committee Convenor / Complaints Manager

Board Charter -


We Support