
Wrestling Western Australia

First Aid Course

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

The one-day Provide First Aid course would benefit all those at work, home or for leisure. The course provides an excellent general grounding in first aid and will enable you to perform appropriate first aid procedures and basic life support skills. This unit satisfies training requirements across a range of community and workplace settings.

Who this course is recommended for
• Anyone wanting to learn essential first aid skills; and
• Those wanting a first-aid certificate for work purposes.

Course Duration: 8 hours on course with pre-course reading and knowledge requirements pre-assessment

Students attending the course will be required to demonstrate their physical ability to perform at least 2 minutes of uninterrupted CPR on an adult manikin placed on the floor to meet the performance criteria for assessment.

Please note:  You will need a USI to attend this course. If you have undertaken any registered training since 2015, you may already have a USI. You can visit this website to search for your USI - https://www.usi.gov.au/students/find-your-usi

If you do not have a USI, you can create one here: https://www.usi.gov.au/students/get-a-usi 

