
Our club currently consists of 2 Grass teams that play in the senior women's NWSHA grass competition played Saturday afternoons at Meadowbank from April to August. We also have players who play in the Sydney Women's Hockey Masters League (association representative teams) . Unfortunately no open turf team is currently due to not enough interested players to field a team.                                          

If you are interested in picking up a hockey stick again or for the first time, and would like a fun social club to play with, please contact us for more information on wsruwhc@gmail.com .


Fees consist of - HNSW Insurance/NWSHA affiliation fees/club fee and a $10 club intent fee (approx $223+10 intent - senior, $153+10 intent - junior)  paid on registration.

If you are registered to another club and wish to play grass with Wests, register with your primary club first then with us. Revolutionise will detect you are already registererd and only charge you the $10 intent portion of the fee at checkout.

You will be invoiced for remaining match fees throughout the season (approx $100 grass by Wests, 1/2 price for Juniors/ approx $200 or $300 for masters by NWSHA).

NOTE You cannot secure a placement in a team until you are registered .

Dates to remember 2025                       

Preseason fitness training or walking hockey may be played at Meadowbank in March (on grass) and will be open to all players if organised .  Will keep you posted on this ! 

Grass Season begins first Sat in April 2025 through to the 23 August (hopefully no rain!) .              

 The Masters Rep team turf trials are on in Feb 7 (Div 1/2), 21 (Div 3/4), 28 (all) / March 7 if needed and comp begins 7th/9th April.     


Presentation and AGM - TBA            


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