
Wrestling Australia Ltd

Wrestling Australia Ltd


For applicants planning to compete in WAL sponsored activities, applicants are advised that the nature of the sport of wrestling involves some physical risks that can result in serious injury or death. Risks may include, but are not limited to, physical exertion for which applicants may not be prepared, weather extremes subject to sudden and unexpected change, remoteness to normal medical services, evacuation difficulties if an applicant is disabled, or dangers from the way wrestling is done, or from vehicles, equipment, machinery, location, premises, or actions of others. By submitting an application, applicants accept all risks from the activities sponsored or organized by WAL. Applicants should not rely on WAL or its officers, employees, consultants, staff or volunteers to inform them of the risks. Applicants / competitors will make their own risk assessment and are responsible for their own medical well-being and physical fitness to wrestle.


In consideration of such permission being granted, I hereby indemnify WAL, its clubs, officers, members, agents, servants, voluntary helpers, and any bodies or individuals against any claim which myself/son/daughter might now or hereafter have or have had for any personal injury, harm or death sustained while taking part or traveling to or from any activities of WAL. These may include, but are not limited to, competitions, training sessions and demonstrations, and against any claim arising out of any alleged or wrongful act or omission of myself/son/daughter while taking part or traveling to or from any such activities.


Under the terms and conditions of this Code of Conduct it shall be the responsibility of all who participate in WAL activities and its Affiliates to comply with this Code of Conduct, in alignment with the adopted National Integrity Framework policies. These requirements apply to all levels of wrestling in Club, State, National and International: 

  1. Be aware of, and abide by the standards, rules, regulations and policies of WAL, member associations and affiliated clubs. Accept the final decision of the WAL, making all appeals through formal processes.
  2. Refrain from any conduct that could be regarded as sexual, discriminatory or harassment towards other athletes, coaches, referees and officials at all times.
  3. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of fellow athletes, coaches, officials and spectators. Treat everyone fairly within the context of the sport, irrespective of gender, cultural background, race, colour, sexual orientation, religion, political belief, economic status, marital status, age or any other conditions/preferences. There will be zero tolerance for any forms of discrimination.
  4. Be a positive role model and ensure your words and actions exemplify high standards of behaviour in practice, competition and/or social events to anyone observing.
  5. Set high standards of behaviour for your fellow teammates, competitors, spectators and officials, representing both yourself and WAL to the best of your ability.
  6. Conduct yourself in a courteous manner relating to language, temper and punctuality. Be accountable, demonstrate integrity, and accept responsibility for your actions.
  7. Respect the talent, potential and development of fellow athletes and competitors. We are all students of our sport, separated only by our knowledge of individual skills, and our level of focus and determination.
  8. Abide by the Wrestling Australia Social Media Policy 

I agree to follow the Code of Conduct and understand any breach will bring disciplinary action by WAL, actioned in accordance with National Integrity Framework policies. I understand that this may result in suspension or even dismal from WAL.

In consideration of WAL accepting my application for membership and permitting me to participate in WAL Sponsored Events, I sign this contract of release of claims, waiver of liability and assumption of risk.

Where a parent or guardian signs the parent or guardian agrees to the terms of this document and agrees to indemnify WAL against any claims made by the participant.


Wrestling Australia needs to promote itself to the community at large, just like any other organization. I thereby authorise Wrestling Australia, and any person authorised by them, to reproduce, publish, broadcast or do any of the acts comprised in the copyright subsisting in: Photographic picture, Videotapes (with or without sound), Production stills and Voice recording.


I have read, understood and agree to abide by the Australian National Anti-Doping Policy, effective from 1 January 2021, and found on the Sport Integrity Australia website (https://www.sportintegrity.gov.au/what-we-do/anti-doping/world-anti-doping-code/australian-national-anti-doping-policy) being the anti-doping policy adopted by Australia and applicable to all member, participants and non-participants.


As a member of Wrestling Australia, I agree to abide by the National Integrity Framework and associated integrity policies as adopted by Wrestling Australia, which can be found on the Wrestling Australia website: www.wrestling.com.au 

Wrestling SA

Wrestling S.A. Inc

  1. Prices are subject to change without notice, so as to reflect increasing costs. This excludes existing contracts or pre-sales.
  2. 12-month memberships expire 12 months from the day the membership started.
  3. All passes and memberships may not be shared.
  4. All purchases are final. Wrestling SA does not offer refunds on any memberships for change of mind, user error, change of address or almost any other reason. However, we are willing to extend memberships on a case-by-case basis for medical reasons, where a physician letter outlining the required extension period is provided. 

Payment Methods

  • Wrestling SA accepts payment by credit card,or direct deposit. If making payment by direct deposit, please ensure that you put your name in the description before completing the transaction, in order for us to determine who has made the payment. Also, please send confirmation of the completed transaction by sending a screenshot image of the digital receipt (if possible) or a copy of the receipt/transaction number for proof of payment.
  • Direct deposit details:
    • Wrestling SA ; Account: 146196746  ; BSB: 633000
    • Be sure to include the athlete’s name in the payment details


By participating in Olympic wrestling, it is assumed that permission has been given to be photographed and video-recorded for media purposes such as social media and television, etc. for the promotion of wrestling in South Australia. If for any reason you do not wish or do not wish for your child (if under 18 years of age) to be included in Wrestling Academy SA or Wrestling SA’s media, please indicate this when registering and notify coaches and/or the relevant Wrestling SA administrators.

Wrestling Academy SA

Wrestling Academy S.A. Inc

Training Session Passes & Membership

  1. It is required for all participants of training sessions and classes to register for club membership. This ensures that all participants are appropriately covered by insurance.
  2. Prices are subject to change without notice, so as to reflect increasing costs. This excludes existing contracts or pre-sales.
  3. 12-month memberships expire 12 months from the day the membership started.
  4. All training session passes and memberships are non-transferable and non-refundable.
  5. All passes and memberships may not be shared.
  6. All purchases of class passes are final. Wrestling Academy SA does not offer refunds on any training session passes or memberships for change of mind, user error, injury, illness, change of address or any other reason. However, we are willing to extend training session passes with the exception for medical reasons, where a physician letter outlining the required extension period is provided. The committee will review each individual case.

Payment Methods

  • Wrestling Academy SA accepts cash, credit card, or direct deposit for training session fees, passes and membership. If making payment by direct deposit, please ensure that you put your name in the description before completing the transaction, in order for us to determine who has made the payment. Also, please send confirmation of the completed transaction by sending a screenshot image of the digital receipt (if possible) or a copy of the receipt/transaction number for proof of payment.
  • Direct deposit details:
    • Wrestling Academy SA ; Account: 146271648 ; BSB: 633000
    • Be sure to include the athlete’s name in the payment details



By participating in Olympic wrestling, it is assumed that permission has been given to be photographed and video-recorded for media purposes such as social media and television, etc. for the promotion of wrestling in South Australia. If for any reason you do not wish or do not wish for your child (if under 18 years of age) to be included in Wrestling Academy SA or Wrestling SA’s media, please indicate this when registering and notify coaches and/or the relevant Wrestling Academy SA administrators.


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