Australian Youth Championships WPWA Referee EOI
Event information
Water Polo Australia (WPA) have advertised the 2025 Australian Youth Water Polo Championships.
With this tournament fast approaching and significant planning to be undertaken, Water Polo WA is inviting its accreditted referees to indicate their interest in being involved in this great opportunity to develop your skills and knowledge as a referee. As the Championships are being hosted in Perth, you have the option to be involved for both weeks, one week or potentially a couple of days to work around your work or study commitments for those accreditted referees wishing to progress their development.
AYWPC 2024 is held over 2 weeks. 14&U and 18&U divisions are held from 14-18 April and the 12&U and 16&U divisions from 20-24 April 2025.
To allow WPA to undertake the necessary planning for the event, it’s important that we understand which WPWA officials are interested and available to officiate in Perth.
Please consider your availability by registering your interest via this event by Friday 6 December 2024 .
Please note this is an Expressions of Interest only and not an invitation with guarantee of attendance. There will be a process of selection to take place by WPA once AYC team nominations are understood and the required schedule of games.
If you require any further information or assistance in registering your EOI or in relation to gaining a referee accreditation please email Clare Barber Development Co-ordinator WPWA