Welcome to ONLINE REGISTRATION with Water Polo Victoria for 2024-2025
Registration applies from 02 September 2024 to 31 August 2025
Note: Members must be registered with Water Polo Victoria AND an affiliate Club (if desired).
Registering online with WPA and WPV for Adult Social Sundays, Adult Social Competition or Junior FlippaBall will cover you for insurance purposes and grant you access to these programs.
To register online, you will need to…..
enter all required personal information and contact details
enter a current valid email address
select a WPV Registration and Club Fee (if any) from the Products list
accept and acknowledge Terms and Conditions from Water Polo Victoria, Water Polo Australia and your chosen Club
be aware a processing fee will be added to your charge by revSport’s banking portal
pay the required amount in full to complete your registration (if any)
use only a VISA or MASTERCARD for payment (where necessary)
RETURNING members (from any previous season) ……….click “Renew” to continue
NEW members………………....................................................click “Register” to continue