
City of Hobart Vaccination Policy

Published Thu 16 Dec 2021


As of 15 December 2021, the City of Hobart has introduced a policy that requires anyone aged 17 years and over to provide evidence of vaccination against COVID-19 or a valid medical exemption in order to gain entry to the Doone Kennedy Hobart Aquatic Centre.

Proof of vaccination or exemption is to be sighted by our Customer Service staff upon entry.

For existing members access will not be permitted until proof of vaccination status has been provided. Vaccination status must be shown from 15 December only and members will not be required to show their vaccination status on every visit.

Members will not be required to show their vaccination status on every visit.

Proof of vaccination can be shown via COVID-19 digital certificate or hard copy, immunisation history statement or certification by a registered medical practitioner.

Individuals unable to be vaccinated due to a medical contraindication and hold an exemption are required to provide evidence of the exemption.

Casual visitors to the Centre must provide proof of vaccination each visit.

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