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Central Coast
Central Coast Council, Mayor and Councillors

The Central Coast Council is represented by 15 Councillors who were elected for a 4-year term, until September 2028.
A Councillor’s role as an elected representative is to provide an essential link between the community and Council. Councillors must work as a team to make decisions and policies that guide the activities of the council.

Your Voice Our Coast

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Your Voice Our Coast is our online platform where you can give us your feedback and provide input and direction into Council projects on the Central Coast. 

Whether it be playgrounds, parks or major infrastructure this is the place to share your thoughts, ideas and opinions! Help shape your community, your region, your future.

Latest News
    Council news
    Extra $20million funding planned for Council’s road renewal program
    Central Coast Council plans to allocate an extra $20million over the next four years in road renewals to improve local road conditions and address infrastructure work backlogs.Road renewal works include resurfacing and rehabilitation, providing long-term solutions as part of the full life cycle of road maintenance and management.Maintaining a road network of over 2,200kms is no small feat, which is why the largest percentage of Council’s budget and resources is allocated to roads.This additional $20million investment is proposed to fast track priority road renewals and will be included in the draft Delivery Program and 2025-26 Operational Plan that will be placed on public exhibition in May.In addition, we will continue to strongly advocate for more grant funding from the Australian and NSW governments to further improve our roads.The proposed additional $20million program has been developed based on Council’s pavement management system in partnership with Councillors and with insight from the community.We are also developing a new interactive online map which the community can access to see detail of scheduled road renewal works for each year over the coming 10 years.
    Council news
    The Entrance Revitalisation Project
    We are delivering upgrades to key community spaces in The Entrance through The Entrance Revitalisation Project.
    Council news
    Karagi Point Reserve and Jirramba Reserve facility renewals
    We are undertaking a project to renew and improve public toilet facilities at:Jirramba Reserve, Saratoga:
    Council news
    Clever canines join the fight to save critically endangered local orchids
    The critically endangered Wyong Sun Orchid (Thelymitra adorata) may be elusive, but a collaboration between Council and the NSW Government’s Saving Our Species Program is aiming to change that.An Australian first trial for this species has successfully trained scent detection dogs to locate these rare orchids by detecting underground tubers in a minimally invasive way.Using their remarkable sense of smell, three talented Spaniels, Paddy, Sully and Vera, are leading this innovative conservation effort.  In collaboration with On The Scent and The Good Dog, these clever canines were specially trained to detect orchid tubers without relying on the short flowering period when the plants are usually visible.
Things to do on the Central Coast

From cooking classes to concerts to farmer markets, explore activities the community has to offer.

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