Sail Sydney 2024 - Volunteer Registration

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Fri 06 Dec 2024 08:00 — Mon 09 Dec 2024 18:00

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Event & volunteer Information

About on water roles
Course boat:
 Lay marks and assist with rescue if needed.  Ideally you will have experience with mark laying and or completed the Australian Sailing Mark Laying online course: Mark Laying Course - Australian Sailing - Resources (
Finish boat: Check boats finish correctly and record sail numbers as boats cross the line.
Pin Boat: Assist the Race Officer with monitor boats at the start.
Rescue Boat: Help boats in distress.  Ideally you have experience in this role and/or have completed the Australian Sailing Safety Boat operator course: Powerboat - Australian Sailing - Resources (
Start Boat: Assist the Race Officer with flags, timing and moitoring boats at the start.  Ideally you will have some experience in this role.

About on shore roles
Tower Operator: This is one of the most important roles in any regatta.  The activity is to monitor radio communications, record any significant items, and notify the Principle Race Officer if there is a problem.
Trailer Parking and Traffic Dircetion: At certain times people will be allowed to drop off and collect trailers.  The local council requires us to supervise this activity.  Any assistance would be great appreciated.  
Boat Ramp: Assisting competitors on the ramp with putting away and accessing their dollies.
Regatta office - Registration: Assist with registration paper work etc.
Results: Recording of results in the online result system. 
Sign On/Off: Encourage sailors to sign on and off each time the go onto and off the water.  This is important for safety monitoring.
First Aid: Manning a first aid station (First aid certificate required)
Cafe Assistance: Help prepare and distribute volunteer lunches
Social Media: Assisting with content creation, live streaming etc.
Photography: The more photos the better! (BYO equipment)
Boat Prep / Pack Up: Assisting with marks, tackle, flags, fuel etc. at the start and end of the days 
Assorted - There is always more to be done!

Working with Children

Event Waiver

Where the volunteer is under 18 years of age the parent or guardian of the volunteers expressly agrees to be responsible for the volunteer's behaviour and agrees to personally accept the conditions set out below including the provision of a release and indemnity in the terms set out below.

The agreement is for the period of the event including event set up and pack up or on any ongoing role as required.

Volunteer Position Agreement – Terms and Conditions

  1. Working with Children: Where my role as a volunteer requires me to work with children I agree that I will have a current Working with Children Check (or the State/Territories equivalent).
  2. I acknowledge and consent to photographs and videos being taken of me during participation in the event's activities and authorise Woollahra Sailing Club (WSC) and its State Associations to use such photographs and videos for promotional or other sailing and boating development and marketing purposes without my further consent being obtained. Further, I consent to Australian Sailing and its State Associations using my name, image, likeness and performance in any Australian Sailing or State Association activities, at any time, to promote Australian Sailing or its State Associations by any form of media.

Code of Conduct

WSC places great value on the time and commitment all participants invest and will not accept behaviour which breaches the Racing Rules of Sailing or the relevant Code of Conduct detailed in its Member Protection Policy. The key expectations are to:

  • Agree to abide by the Code of Conduct
  • Agree to follow the COVID-19 Safety Plan
  • Be fair, considerate and honest in all dealings with others.
  • Be professional in their actions, language, presentation, manners and punctuality in order to reflect high standards.
  • Maintain confidentiality in regards to sensitive and/or commercial information.
  • Resolve conflicts fairly and promptly through established procedures.
  • Maintain strict impartiality in matters relating to the Member Protection Policy.
  • Maintain a safe environment for others.
  • Show concern and caution towards others.
  • Be a positive role model for others.

WSC COVID-19 Safety Plan


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