Chair Aerobics Woopi Group 2


Each Thursday 9am start February 25, March 4, (miss 11), 18, 25, April 1,8,15,(miss 22), 29, May 6,13,20,27,and June 3, & 7 finish

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

What happens during sessions? Runs for approximately 1 hour. The club team leader will choose various movements and including standing and seated stretching, also for flexibility & strength use of stretch bands and loops. All movements are projected on a screen to assist demonstration of each move. Copies of the moves are made available to those enrolled who wish to practice at home and can be downloaded from The Silversaltieswoppi, face book page members only page. This is not a competition please work at your own pace and have fun.

Objectives: To promote health benefits to improve muscle tone, range of movement, cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, and social connection. Members may meet at the "Hub cafe" after each session for coffee and snacks. Make sure yo get your Hub reward card.

Intensity: This program involves light to moderate effort and participants judge their own level and pace. If at any time during a session stop and rest and tell the team leader if you feel at all unwell. Regularly use your water bottle.

Apparel Wear comfortable clothes and footwear or non-slip socks, also bring a towel.

Medical condition: Should you have any concerns about your health being affected by these activities you are encouraged to consult your medical practitioner prior to attending a session.

Extra information: Should you require any additional information or concerns at any time during, or after activities, please talk to the SLS team leader.

Covid safe Protocols apply to all Silver Salties activities.

As we share the clubs training & functions area, we clean up after each session, following Covid guidelines. Sign in each session using Services NSW Q R code at the downstairs entrance or sign the manual register.

Stretch bands and loops non slip socks: Members may bring their own equipment or we will provide a band and loop for a one off $10 and non-slip socks $5 pair.

Team leader contact details: Colin Morley 0419715730 or email

Files for download
Seated Aerobics_Group 2_ Flyer_Final_JJ

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