End Of Year Presentation & AGM


Sat 16 Mar 2024 18:00 — 22:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are not currently available.

The time has come for us to officially celebrate our clubs successes together in one place. 

From the MVP for each team, coaches awards, clubman awards, competitions, fundraising, events and much much more to be presented and celebrated. 

We would love the club to get together and hear about all the clubs adventures and growth this year with its members and supporters and we look forward to finishing off the year the best way we know how.... GOOD FOOD & GOOD FUN!

Our club AGM will also be run where all roles for the Exec and General Committee will be opened and available to volunteer for.

Exec will be done as nominations / volunteer and majority vote (5 positions)

General Committee will be done as volunteer / nominations 


6pm start time with AGM and presentations to start at 6:30pm SHARP. 


Tickets to be purchased BY WEDNESDAY 13th MARCH for catering purposes. 

The price includes having our own designated space -  Dinner organised as canapes, TBC about reduced drink prices / money over the bar. 

Family and partners more than welcome to join. 

THEME: Smart casual - Lets dress up a little. 


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