
Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

Memberships are valid until the end of the financial year. 

Note that it is Squash Australia policy that players based in ACT register their membership with their club/centre as well as Squash ACT and Squash Australia. This means when you take out a player membership with the Woden Squash Centre you will also be taking out an affiliated membership with Squash ACT and Squash Australia. You can see the different levels of membership and what Squash Australia offers for each level in the Squash Australia Membership Booklet on pages 6 and 7. 

To participate any competitions you need to have at least Local membership and this should be take out at one of the Squash ACT Affiliated clubs. If you have already signed up with one of the ACT clubs, please ensure that you choose the same membership option below to retain the Squash ACT and Squash Australia affiliation membership level.  You will not be charged a second time for the Squash ACT and Squash Australia affiliation fees.

The breakdown of the membership charges and how much goes to the Woden centre, Squash ACT and Squash Australia is as follows:

Membership Category Squash Australia ACT Squash Woden Squash Total

Woden Squash Court Access(Social)

$12.82 $11 $10 $33.82
Compete Senior $52.09 $22 $10 $84.09
Compete Junior $40.87 $22 $10 $72.87
Local Senior $29.53 $22 $10 $61.65
Local Junior $18.43 $22 $10 $50.43