Women's Gangway

We are excited to continue this initiative with a second season for women in the club! Ladies with any and no experience welcome!

Gangway is a series of three interactive sessions that creates a pathway to build skills and experience among women who crew or skipper. We welcome women from all sailing backgrounds and experiences to learn and share knowledge among each other.

Our upcoming session will be about trimming to your sailing angle.

Trimming sails is one of the key parts to sailing. Sail trim ranges from adjusting the angle of your sails to your course, to finetuning the shape of your sail to perfection. In this session, we will have a dinghy for demonstration to play around with different trim settings, and small boat models to work with in groups.

This session is helpful preparation for everyone who is going join the
Lady Skippers Race on the 22nd of June 2025!

The Gangway session will be
on Sunday 23 March 2025 at 9:30am, at Wynnum Manly Yacht Club.  

Please register via this link

We hope to see many of you there! 

Our first session this season was on ‘knotting’. Being able to tie essential knots is important knowledge for any crew member and skipper. We practiced basic knots like the clove hitch, figure eight and bowline. We also had a look at different ways of tying these knots, such as tying a bowline quickly with one hand. Some also brought their own splicing kit.

Last season we had sessions on reading the weather, spinnaker packing and racing rules of sailing. Reading the weather, we subdivided in small groups with a variety of sailing experience to study the weather and tides forecasts for the SAGS course of that afternoon. We used apps such as Windy, Tides AU, and BOM, to prepare where we would sail, the conditions we would face, and the strategic decisions we could make. For the next session, with many spinnakers donated by our generous skippers, everyone was able to practice different ways to packing a kite, both symmetrical and asymmetrical. During the last session of last season, in preparation for the Lady Skippers Race, we set out the basic racing rules and discussed several scenarios of varying difficulty in small groups.