2024 Fees

2024 Field Hockey Fee Schedule

Fees comprise two parts a Registration Fee paid at the time of registration and a Team Fee invoiced in May/June.

Registration Fee

This fee is payable online at the time of Registration comprising:

AGE (as at 31/12/2023) Hockey Australia

Hockey NSW

Illawarra South Coast Wests Total
Under 8 22.81 17.86 15.00 100.00 155.67
Under 11 45.32 27.33 15.00 100.00 187.65
Under 18 45.32 62.90 30.00 100.00 238.22
Senior 57.32 119.90 60.00 100.00 337.22
Non Playing Official 0.00 21.88 15.00 5.00 41.88
Non Playing Supporter 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00  5.00 


Players who are members of our major sponsor Wests Illawarra Leagues Club (players under 18 years of age need a parent to be a member) when we conduct our audit in mid season will receive a $50 credit applied against their team fees.

Team Fees

This fee is additional to the registration fee and will be invoiced in May/July and is payable for each team that you are a permanent member of. 

The table below shows the 2024 Team fees.

TEAM Fee Game Day
  Under 8 50:00 Saturday AM
  Under 10 100.00  Saturday AM 
  Under 12 100.00  Saturday AM
  Under 14 100.00  Saturday AM
  Under 16 100.00  Saturday AM 
  Under 18 130.00  Wednesday Evening 
Womens Grade    
  Over 18 240.00  Saturday Afternoon
  Under 18 160.00  Saturday Afternoon 
Mens Grade    
  Over 18 240.00  Sunday
  Under 18 160.00  Sunday


Fee discounts





 50% team fee

Families with multiple children playing juniors receive a 50% reduction on the junior team fee component for the 2nd and subsequent child.


 ISCH fee
 Wests fee

Current Australian field hockey players selected in the open or junior national team who compete in an international event. This is in addition to what they can claim for representing NSW. (Does not include Masters, Country or School teams)  


 Team fee

Past International players receive this discount whilst ever they continue to play 1st grade. 


 Team fee

Current NSW field hockey players selected in the open or junior state teams who attend the national championship. (Does not include Masters, Country or School teams)

Goal Keeping

 Team fee

Goal Keepers who provide their own goal keeping equipment on a permanent basis for each team they are in.

Junior Coaches

 Junior team fee

Junior coaches receive a discount equal to the team fee cost of the team they coach. This amount is doubled if the coach has no family relationship to the team.

1st Grade Coaches


Coaches of the men’s and women’s 1st grade teams receive a discount as determined by the executive.



Members of the club executive. This discount also covers incidental expenses incurred in those roles.They also receive 2 free tickets to presentation night.

Life Members

 Wests fee


Also receive 2 free tickets to presentation night. They have to pay all other charges.

Fee payment

When you register online via the HockeyNet system it requires you to pay the NSW, ISCH and Wests Registration fee via Credit Card.If you don't have a visa or mastercard you can buy a prepaid card from most major supermarkets.

Fee invoices for team fees will be sent via email and due by the end of June. Players having difficulty paying should contact the treasurer to arrange to pay by instalments. Fees can be paid by Cheque, BPAY, EFT, Pay by Phone (Credit Cards), Internet (Credit Cards) or at Australia Post Offices, details will be attached to the bottom of invoices.

If you fail to pay your fees by the due date or as per arrangements made with the treasurer you will be stood down from future matches until the fee is paid. If at the end of the season you still haven’t paid you will be listed with NSW Hockey as being unfinancial and stopped from playing anywhere in NSW.  If you still haven’t paid 12 months after being due legal action will be initiated to recover your fees, the cost of this action will also be added to your debt.

It should be noted that the Wests fee component is the only charge that goes towards running the hockey club as all other charges are passed on to various Illawarra Hockey Associations. The Wests component as well as fundraising is needed to cover equipment costs (shirts, balls, markers, GK equipment), field hire for training, team coaches, administration and presentations.  So please assist where possible with fundraising activities the club puts on such as the Trivia Night.


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