Big City Rogaine
Event information
There are 2 options in this event, Big City 3 hour or Little City 1 hour. Both will be rogaine events scored using MAPRUN.
Prior to the event please ensure you have a smart phone with the MAPRUN 7.4.2 app downloaded onto your phone. On the day make sure your phone has at least 75% charge, you'd hate to get 1/2 way through and it goes flat.......
Starts will be 09:00am for Big City, and 10:00am for Little City. Both will start at the carpark on the North West side of Hatea Drive. Look for the WHO club trailer.
Entry fees: WHO member = $10, Non-member = $15, WHO member family = $25
A maximum of 2 adults [over 18], can run together as a single entry. [A team of 3 or 4 adults would require 2 entry fees]
Entry can be paid cash on the day or paid online to Whangarei Orienteering 03-0345-0123794-25