Whitsunday Christian College Term 4 - Fri 14 Oct 2022 1pm


Friday afternoons from 1pm to 5pm during term 4 except 4 November (Airlie Beach Festival of Music).
Australian Sailing - 2. Tackers Intro (school program 8am-3pm)

Course information

Registrations for this course are closed.

Whitsunday Christian College joins with Whitsunday Sailing Club to provide students with an introduction to sailing.  The course will be conducted in RS Quest dinghies, and will include on shore tuition as well as on water activities.

Students are required to bring a suitable change of clothes that may get wet, including shoes (not thongs) as well as towel, hat, sunscreen, etc.  Stinger suits are optional but advisable as we move into the stinger season.

Course Overview
Tackers Intro is specifically designed for the Sporting Schools program and provides a wonderful opportunity for students to get a taste of the wonderful world of sailing. In Tackers Intro: Sporting Schools children get a very practical introduction to sailing by learning through games where safety is paramount.

Course Prerequisites

  • Water confident
  • 7-12 years old

Who should do this course?

Schools participating in the Sporting Schools Program.

Course Outcome

By the end of the Tackers Intro: Sporting Schools session the students will:

  • Have learned the basic sailing safety rules and procedures
  • Be able to launch their boat
  • Understand how the boat floats and what to do if water is taken onboard
  • Understand what the different roles are in the boat (skipper and crew)
  • Have participated in a range of sailing-based games
  • Understand how the wind affects the boat
  • Understand the freedom and responsibility that sailing provides

Students will gain a Tackers Intro (Sporting Schools) completion certificate.