
Whitsunday Athletics Club is located at Proserpine State High School Oval.

The committee for 2024 are all new members and are doing their best to bring you a 2024 season.
We are constantly seeking new members to assist anyway you can. 

Thank you for you support

Whitsunday Athletics Committee for 2024

Neri Tyson Coaches
President Tracy Bland
Aimee Mitchell Riana Wronski
Vice President Tracey Weaver
Kate Fisher Neri Tyson
Sally Griffith Rhiannon Howse - First Aid
Secretary Kate Kelly - First Aid


Kim Moon - Equipment Officer

Selwyn Hawkins
Life Member




Code of Conduct

Whitsunday Athletics Club adheres to its Code of Conduct so spectators, volunteers and athletes can participate in a safe friendly environment. Please take the time to read the code and explain what is expected of your friends and family. 

Any breaches of the code will be investigated.

  • Always be courteous and respectful to coaches and officials.

  • Be mindful and respectful to the community regardless of gender or beliefs or ability

  • Play by the rules and always adhere to the coaches instructions. 

  • Never argue with an official's decision and use the appropriate channels to raise disagreements or controversial decisions. 

  • Control your emotions as abuse, violence, bad language or throwing implements or equipment will not be tolerated.

  • Never bully, ridicule or demean others.

  • Never deliberately distract or provoke others. 

  • Participate as a team member. Although athletics is predominantly an independent sport you should always be a team player and congratulate efforts and achievements.

  • Be a good sport.  Cheer all good performances, whether they are your club mates or your opponents.

  • Stay in the designated spectator areas and do not interfere in the officiating or competitors space.

  • Intoxicated patrons and spectators are not to attend.

  • Treat all athletes as you would like to be treated.

  • and always try to have fun

For the Australian Sports Commission Code of Conduct click this link




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