Flinders, Merricks and Westernport Yacht Clubs have worked together to put on the inaugural Yachting Western Port Montalto Marathon on Sunday March 28th.
Club Results
1st - Westernport YC
2nd - Somers YC
3rd - Flinders YC
Full Marathon - OTB Catamaran Division
1st - Hobie 16 - Thunder - Geoff Rowden / Rosie Phelan - Somers YC
2nd - Taipan 4.9 Cat - Quantum Leap - James Cooper - Westernport YC
3rd - Taipan 4.9 Cat - Lithe - Michael Boswell - Westernport YC
Full Marathon - OTB Monohull Division
1st - Pacer (with Spinnaker) - Firefly - Harrison Wright / Ed Wright - Flinders YC
2nd - Contender - Now or Never - Michael Vandenberg - Somers YC
Full Marathon - Keel Boat / TY Division
1st - J70 - Soixante Dix - Andrew Kings / Julian Barlow / Sarah Kings - Flinders YC
2nd - Explorer - Vasco Pyjama - Anthony Brand / Carolyn Johnston - Merricks YC
3rd - Couta Boat - Montalto - John Mitchell / David Wilkins / Ben Carrol / Russell Kenery / Simon Doak - Flinders YC
Half Marathon - Combined
1st - Impulse - Just One More - Colin Franke - Westernport YC
2nd - Explorer 16 - Lazy Bee - Ryan Wilcox / Chris Hall - Westernport YC
3rd - Pacer (without Spinnaker) - Dao - Lynn Dugay / Sue Bartholomaeus - Westernport YC
Female Skipper
1st - Hobie 16 - The Kraken - Elly Morris / Zak Rowden - Somers YC
2nd - Hobie 16 - Hers - Emma Morris / Jemima Wilson - Somers YC
3rd - Hobie 16 - Pink Ladies - Zoe Morris / Naomi Chui - Somers YC
Junior Skipper
1st - Pacer (with Spinnaker) - Firefly - Harrison Wright / Ed Wright - Flinders YC
Pacer (without Spinnaker) - FYC 3 - Lilly Fogarty / Mischa Englisch - Flinders YC
3rd - Hobie Dragoon - Toothlesd - Matilda Morris / Emily Chui - Somers YC
Race documents and entry links can be found at https://www.revolutionise.com.au/westernportyacht/events/80580/