
Vale - Graham Henderson

Published Wed 11 Sep 2024

Graham introduced himself to the club in 2014, looking to enjoy the facilities as a base for getting out on to Western Port.  Initially favouring a kayak as his preferred method of floatation, Graham soon enrolled himself in the sailing school and established a fundamental grasp of getting a Pacer around a course.  He obtained power boat qualifications and assisted often as a rescue boat skipper.  

It was off the water Graham made his most lasting impact on the club.  Soon after arriving Graham found himself a project in assisting the incumbent Treasurer, Brendan Corcoran, to migrate the club's financial data into the Reckon accounting package, and worked with Brendan to present a set of accounts for the 2014-15 season that set a new standard for the club in thorough and professional financial reporting.

In 2015, Graham joined the committee and took over from Brendan as Honorary Treasurer.  Over the ensuing eight years, Graham continued to drive innovation and improvement in the governance and operation of the club.  We soon had a comprehensive asset register and a process to maintain accurate valuations, much greater insight into the profitability of programs, events and key activities and a process for providing tax deductions to donors via the Australian Sports Foundation.  In subsequent years Graham managed the migration of the club accounts to cloud based accounting software (making data sharing and security much easier), the implementation of a new EFTPOS system and the restructure of the club's balance sheet to make it a far more meaningful representation of the financial position of the club.  Graham also took on a number of initiatives beyond the core focus of the Treasurer's portfolio, notably the procurement and installation of the solar power system.

In a lifetime of providing significant leadership and service to many worthy organisations and institutions, it would be easy to understate the contribution that Graham made to Westernport Yacht Club.  However, those of us who had the privilege of working with Graham on the WYC Committee will appreciate the difference that he has made to the sustainability and culture of our club, and we are grateful for all that he has brought to us as individuals and a club.

Vale Graham
