Saturday July 13 marked the first fundraising event for our lift project. 47 members and guests had a happy time and enjoyed a delicious dinner at the club. Thanks to Heather and Jennie for the grazing platters, followed by Fiona’s delicious Coq au Vin with vegetables by Sue, Jane and Bernie. The finale international desert was prepared by “les Trois Chefs” – Ron’s Dutch Apple Crumble, Bernie’s Bavarian Fruit Tarts and Peter’s Australian Cheese Cake.
Jill, Adrian and Dee provided a glorious table layout with our lighting engineer Russel provided a sparkling display. Leanne again demonstrated her amazing skills with the raffle and auction of Will’s pictures. Wendy and Colin did a great job managing the bar to
give Ron a welcome night off. The club looked at its best thanks to John and others' Cinderella skills. The evening was a great success raising nearly $1400 towards the lift.
Read more about the proposed lift