Westernport Yacht Club Inc
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Westernport Yacht Club, Foreshore Road, Balnarring Beach
4.00pm, Saturday 30th May 2020
1. Read and confirm the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting.
2. Receive the General Committee's Annual Report.
3. Receive the Treasurer’s Annual Statement.
4. Elect Officers of the Club and other members of the General Committee.
5. General Business.
Note: Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the 2020 AGM will be held ‘on-line’ using the ‘Zoom’ video call App. Join from 3.45 by clicking https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86090311916?pwd=UnpGMUNIN3ZLVkJtSmpvMXlya3VLdz09
To nominate for a commitee position or appoint a proxy for the meeting, please use the attached form.