
Western Hockey Masters


Vale Neil Mannolini

Published Wed 19 Jul 2023

It was with sadness that we learnt of the passing of Neil Mannolini on July 10th. Deepest sympathies to his wife Pat and family.

Neil was a valued member of the Western Hockey Masters, playing and umpiring from its earliest years until illness prevented him. More widely he was a dedicated supporter of hockey in Western Australia, editor for a number of years of the of the Hockey Bulletin, well known and well read by WA hockey players, and assisting with administration of the Perth Hockey Stadium.

A reliable full back, he was a Life Member of the Newman Knights Hockey Club and made many hockey friends. He had a quiet manner and a ready wit that stood him in good stead when umpiring. He is fondly remembered and will be missed by his many hockey mates.


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The Funeral Service for Mr Nello (Neil) Mannolini of Booragoon will take place in our Chapel, 312 South Street, Hilton commencing at 1.45pm on THURSDAY (20.07.2023).

Cremation will take place Privately at a later time.

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