
Western Hockey Masters


Masters Matters Celebrates 150th Milestone

The July edition of Masters Matters marks the 150th edition. A huge thank you and congratulations to our Editor, John Mercer. MM is published on the WHM website and a copy is attached. Content includes: ·         Changing of the Guard in B Division ·         MM Milestone – 150th Edition

Vale Neil Mannolini

It was with sadness that we learnt of the passing of Neil Mannolini on July 10th. Deepest sympathies to Pat and family. A funeral service will be held on 20th July.

Masters Matters - July 2023

Masters Matters - July 2023 has been published and this month apart from regular features includes: Venue changes for July school holidays Vale Nev Gandy and Peter Briscoe Valencia Tournament results and report from Dudley Evans Flashback to the National Masters in Perth 2014

Masters Matters - June Edition

Masters Matters – June 2023 has been published and this month apart from the regular features MM includes: - A report on the WHM AGM held on Wednesday 31st May. - A tribute to Immediate Past President, Simon Thomson

WHM Committee Election Notice

Nominations are called for election to the WHM Committee. The election will be conducted at the AGM to be held on Wednesday 31st May 2023, 5:00pm in the Eastman Room, Perth Hockey Stadium.

Master Matters Newsletter - May Edition

• WHM AGM Wednesday 31st May • Vale Colin Nicholas • Nationals Nominations and EOI’s for tournament officials • Trans-Tasman Challenge results

Masters Matters - April Edition

Masters Matters – April 2023 has been published. This month apart from the regular features MM includes: Hockey WA honours for WHM members Player duty of care Respecting our Officials Over 80’s to debut at Masters Nationals in Perth And much more..

Master Matters Newsletter - March 2023 Edition

The latest edition of Masters Matters has been published. Apart from the regular features it includes: Vale Greg Allen – a tribute to “Ted” O 75’s team for the Trans-Tasman Challenge Fixture changes for A, C and D divisions on March 15th and 22nd

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