Wenty Leagues Squash Club at Northmead

Club Constitution: September 2011

Part 1 - Preliminary
1. Name
The Name of the Club is Wentworthville Leagues Squash Club Incorporated (WLSC).

2. Purpose of the Club
The purpose of the Club is to enable members to participate in and promote the sport
of Squash in the community and to compete at the highest levels achievable.

Part 2 - Membership
3. Membership eligibility and classes
(1) A person is eligible to be a member of the club if:
(a) Is a natural person and can be either male or female
(b) Any person participating in any grade over the age of 18 must be a member of
Wentworthville Leagues Club (Leagues Club).
(c) Any person participating in any grade under the age of 18 must have one parent or
guardian as a financial member of the Leagues Club

(2) The class of membership are:
(a) Playing member
(b) Honorary member
(c) Life member

(3) Membership is not transferable.

4. Nomination for Ordinary Membership
As soon as practical after receiving an application to play squash and take up membership, the
Secretary must refer the application to the committee for approval.

5. Cessation of Membership
A person ceases to be a member of the club if the person:
(a) Dies, or
(b) Resigns membership in writing, or
(c) Expelled from the club, or
(d) Fails to pay the membership fee in accordance with clause 9

6. Register of Members
(1) The Secretary must establish and maintain a register of members of the club specifying
the name and postal or residential address of each person who is a member of the club
together with the date on which the person became a member.

(2) The register of members is to be kept at the residential address of the Secretary.

7. Life Members
The criteria for the recommendation, selection, approval, and entitlements of a member of the club are disclosed in the bylaws of the club.

8. Fees and Subscriptions
(a) A membership fee of $1 is payable on admission to membership or some other amount as determined by the committee from time to time.
(b) An annual renewal fee of $1 for the renewal of membership or other amount as determined by the committee from time to time is required within 2 months of the commencement of the financial year.
(c) All members of the association shall be required to have paid an additional amount as determined by the committee, to be eligible to be included in any team to play competition squash for the club.

9. Members' Liabilities
The liability of a member of the club to contribute towards the payment of the debts and liabilities of the club or the costs, charges, and expenses of the winding up of the club is limited to the amount of any unpaid membership fees.

10. Resolution of Disputes
A dispute between a member and another member or the club can be referred to the community justice centre for mediation of the dispute.

11. Disciplining of Members
(1) The committee must consider any complaint made about or by a member of the Club for misconduct whilst representing the Club, by engaging in actions that are detrimental to the objectives of the Club and/or the Leagues Club and contrary to the Club’s constitution, rules, and by-laws.
(2) The Committee may refuse to deal with a complaint if it considers the complaint to be trivial or vexatious in nature.
(3) If disciplinary action is to continue, the member concerned has received notice in writing not less than 5 days prior to requesting their attendance at a specially convened committee meeting (or next meeting).
(4) The committee shall have the power to suspend or exclude from membership of the Club by resolution any member they are satisfied that the facts of the alleged complaint have been proven and the expulsion or suspension is warranted in the circumstances.
(5) The decision of the committee must be communicated to the member within 7 days after the decision is made.
(6) The Secretary by the direction of the committee will provide a full report of the circumstances relating to any disciplinary action taken by the Committee under the provisions of this rule and if deemed necessary shall include a recommendation as to action if any for the consideration of the Board of Directors of the Wentworthville Leagues Club.

Part 3 - The Committee
12. Powers of the Committee
Subject to the Act, the Regulation, and this constitution and to any resolution passed by the club in general meeting, the committee:
(a) Is to control and manage the business and funds of the club, and
(b) Set the players' fees for the season and manage the collection of fees.

(c) Has power to perform all such acts and do all such things as appear to the committee to be necessary or desirable for the proper management of the affairs of the club.

13. Composition and Membership of Committee
(1) The Executive office-bearers of the committee are as follows:
    a) President,
    b) Vice President,
    c) Secretary,
    d) Treasurer

(2) There are no non-executive members on the committee and a member may hold only one position on the committee but may also hold a position on the selection sub-committee.

(4) The executive committee shall have the power to deal with any matter of urgency occurring between the dates set down for committee meetings. The Secretary shall document and table the discussion and resolution of matters at the next subsequent committee meeting for ratification.

14. Election of Committee Members
(1) Nominations by financial members of the club for election to the roles of office-bearers of the committee must be made in writing and delivered to the secretary of the club at least 7 days before the date fixed for the holding of the annual general meeting at which the election is to take place.
(2) Existing committee members are available for re-election. If insufficient nominations are received to fill all vacancies on the committee, the candidates nominated are taken to be elected and further nominations are to be received at the annual general meeting and if not filled are casual vacancies.
(3) If the number of nominations received is equal to the number of vacancies to be filled, the persons nominated are taken to be elected.
(4) If the number of nominations received exceeds the number of vacancies to be filled, a ballot is to be held at the annual general meeting in a manner directed by the committee.

15. Secretary
It is the duty of the secretary to keep minutes of all appointments of office-bearers and members of the committee, the names of members of the committee present at a committee meeting or a general meeting, and all proceedings at committee meetings and general meetings.

16. Treasurer
It is the duty of the treasurer of the club to ensure that all money due to the club is collected and received and that all payments authorised by the club are made, and that correct books and accounts are kept showing the financial affairs of the club, including full details of all receipts and expenditure connected with the activities of the club.

The treasurer is to table a written report on the income and expenses at each committee meeting.

17. Casual Vacancies
(1) In the event of a casual vacancy occurring in the membership of the committee, the committee may decide to appoint a member of the club to fill the vacancy and holds office until the next annual general meeting.
(2) A casual vacancy in the office of a member of the committee occurs if the member:
    a. Dies, or
    b. Ceases to be a member of the club, or
    c. Becomes an insolvent under administration within the meaning of the Corporations Act 2001 of the Commonwealth, or
    d. Resigns office by notice in writing given to the secretary, or
    e. Is removed from office under clause 17, or
    f. Becomes a mentally incapacitated person, or
    g. Is absent without the consent of the committee from 3 consecutive meetings of the committee,
    h. Is convicted of an offence involving fraud or dishonesty for which the maximum penalty on conviction is imprisonment for not less than 3 months, or
    i. Is prohibited from being a director of a company under Part 2D.6 (Disqualification from managing corporations) of the Corporations Act 2001 of the Commonwealth.

18. Committee Meetings and Quorum
(1) The committee must meet at least 3 times a year at a place and time as the committee may determine.
(2) The quorum of the committee is achieved with 3 voting members.
(3) At a meeting of the committee, the president or, in the president's absence, the vice-president is to preside.

19. Delegation by Committee to Sub-Committee
The committee may constitute, delegate, and direct to a sub-committee a function of the committee, but no recommendation or action is approved until approved by the committee.

The Selections committee is to be elected annually at the general meeting held prior to the end of the financial year and shall consist of the following positions:
    a) Club Captain,
    b) Vice Captain,
    c) Three selectors

Part 4 - General Meetings
20. Annual General Meetings - calling of and Business at
(1) The annual general meeting of the club is to be held within six months of the end of the financial year.
(2) In addition to any other business which may be transacted at an annual general meeting, the business of an annual general meeting is to include the following:
    a) Confirm the minutes of the last preceding annual general meeting and of any special general meeting held since that meeting,
    b) Receive from the committee reports on the activities of the club during the last preceding financial year,
    c) Elect office-bearers of the club,
    d) Receive and consider any financial statement or report required to be submitted to members under the Act.
(3) An annual general meeting notice is displayed 14 days prior to the meeting on the club’s notice board and by email notifying members of the scheduled meeting.

21. Special General Meetings - Calling of
(1) The committee may, whenever it thinks fit, convene a special general meeting of the club.
(2) The committee must, on the requisition in writing of at least 5 percent of members, convene a special general meeting of the club.
(3) A requisition of members for a special general meeting:
    a) must state the purpose or purposes of the meeting, and
    b) must be signed by the members making the requisition, and
    c) must be lodged with the secretary, and
    d) may consist of several documents in a similar form, each signed by one or more of the members making the requisition.

22. Notice Periods
(1) Except if the nature of the business proposed to be dealt with at a general meeting requires a special resolution of the club, the secretary must, at least 14 days before the date fixed for the holding of the general meeting, give a notice to each member specifying the place, date and time of the meeting and the nature of the business proposed to be transacted at the meeting.
(2) If the nature of the business proposed to be dealt with at a general meeting requires a special resolution of the club, the secretary must, at least 21 days before the date fixed for the holding of the general meeting, give notice to each member specifying, in addition to the matter required under subclause (1), the intention to propose the resolution as a special resolution.
(3) No business other than that specified in the notice convening a general meeting is to be transacted at the meeting.

23. Quorum for General Meetings
(1) No item of business is to be transacted at a general meeting unless a quorum being of 5 percent of the current number of financial members.
(2) If within half an hour after the appointed time for the commencement of a general meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting:
    a) if convened on the requisition of members, is to be dissolved, and
    b) if convened by the committee is to stand adjourned to the same day in the following week at the same time unless specified at the time of the adjournment.

(3) If at the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present within half an hour after the time appointed for the commencement of the meeting, the members present are to constitute a quorum.

24. Making of Decisions, Proxy Votes and Ballots
A question arising at a general meeting of the club is to be determined by a show of hands with each member having one vote. Proxy votes are not permitted. Postal votes are not permitted.

Part 5 - Miscellaneous
25. Insurance
The club may effect and maintain insurance.

26. Funds - Source
(1) The funds of the club are to be derived from annual subscriptions of members, donations, sponsorship, and Leagues Club grant.
(2) All money received by the club must be deposited as soon as practicable and without deduction to the credit of the club's bank or other authorised deposit-taking institution account.
(3) The club must, as soon as practicable after receiving any money, issue an appropriate receipt.

27. Funds - Management
(1) Subject to any resolution passed by the club in general meeting, the funds of the club are to be used in pursuance of the objects of the club in such manner as the committee determines.
(2) All cheques must be signed by 2 members of the executive committee.
(3) The committee requires Leagues Club approval prior to entering into transactions involving financial borrowings or guarantees.

28. Custody of Books
A nominated committee member must keep in his or her custody or under his or her control all records, books, and other documents relating to the club.

29. Inspection of Books
The minutes, books, and records are not open for inspection. However, any reasonable written request will be considered by the committee and responded to in writing.

30. Financial Year
The financial year of the Club is from 1st January to the 31st December of each year.


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