
Wentworth District Rowing Club


2022 Rowing Program

Published Mon 03 Jan 2022

Well here we are 2022! Let’s hope it is a year of no disruptions, fun, training and going to some regattas!

As mentioned on the night of the Christmas party we have reviewed the training program for the first part of 2022. As always we will trial this and see how we go, if any feedback please let us know.

We have tried to accommodate everyone and also give members plenty of options, so I hope that you can find something within this.

The new program will begin on Monday 10 January and the spreadsheet will be updated to reflect this.

This program will also be posted on the website and in Slack so it is easy for you to find and refer to.

Thursday night teas will also continue. Bit of fun, no cooking required and your family welcome, just let us know you are coming on the spreadsheet!
Hoping to see you all down at the club and on the water!



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