Life Members

The following people are Life Members of Waverley Softball Association, in recognition of their outstanding service to the Association and its members!


Aubrey Kotz Chas Holland-King* Greg Brown
Arthur Allsopp* Joanne Paez Heather Pilkington*
Ray Allsopp* Bev Moore Pat Chambers
Mrs Jan Allsopp Jack Jennings* Leanne Wilkinson 
Ms Rhonda Boyd Des Smith* Peta Edebone
Mrs Fay Hill (Chaffey) Ian Snowball* Sharon Stocker
Jack Chaffey* Sandra Troyahn Jacinta Poole
Peg Chaffey* Les McLean Allison Pendlebury 
Peter Hall Ron Pilkington* Cheryl Waye
Barbera Doggett Elaine Shultz* Rob Cunningham
Dave Robson  Peter Phillips* Moira Teichert
Graeme Brown  William (Bill) Gobbart* Donna Scammell
* (Denotes Deceased)    



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