Welcome to Warradale Little Athletics.
We would love to have you join us for remainder of the 2024/25 season!
Half Season SALE!!
We have reduced our fees for the second half of our season - Friday 10 January to Friday 21 March 2025.
Tiny Tots - $80.00
6-17's - $100.00
##Family Fundraising Fee and Uniform purchase still applies.
Please Note:
Registration Conditions
WLAC is run purely by volunteers and in such, we require assistance to enable competition to go ahead each week. It is a requirement when registering with our club for parents to assist with their child/rens age groups.
Athlete safety is our priority.
Athletes are not to be dropped off at the oval or left unsupervised. Athletes found without a parent or guardian in attendance, will not be allowed to compete and will be taken to the club house to wait for their parent or guardian. Police will be notified for repeated incidences.
Thank you WLAC Committee