
Wanderers Softball Club is the founding club of the Softball Macarthur Association. Since its creation in 1975 it continues to focus on the growth of Teeball and Softball. With this strong tradition and a committee that is embedded in current practices of player development, community connection and inclusive practices, Wanderers has maintained its reputation at local, regional, State, National and International level.

Our players who represent all levels from their school knockout teams to the Australian representative teams enlighten their team mates to the possibilities, pathways and a variety of directions our sport can take them. It is imperative at this time we acknowledge and support the players and families that are seeking to be participants on a recreational level, to be involved in physical activity and join a community of like minded people down at Rotary Cowpasture Reserve, Camden.

The club encourages and facilitates the opportunities for players between 4 years and Seniors, male and female, skilled and new friends to the games. With Teeball games on Wednesday Evenings and Saturday mornings the occassionally difficult family situations affecting particpation in weekend sport is alleviated with a mid week competition for  7s and Under as well as 10s and Under Teeball.

Our other age groups consoting of mixed sex teams are: Under 12, Under 14, Under 16, Youth and Seniors. The plans for a midweek competition to encourage Youth age players, who are starting the work, high school part of life, to come and join in, is a priority in this upcoming season 2023/2024.

If you are a returning member, thank you for your loyalty and support andwe hope you continue to get joy, a sense of achievement and belonging to the Wanderers family. To any potential members, we invite you to come and meet us, under the trees behind Diamond 2 each Saturday commencing in October and allow us to share our passion for the game and the reasons why our game is the gretaest game of all.

Our registration which is open from August each year is advertised on FaceBook and by using banners located around the area, they have a QR code that will take you to the website and registration information.

Alternatively email: wandererssoftballregistrar@hotmail.com anytime with any questions.

The Committee

Wanderers Softball Club

We Support