Monday 2024 Summer Social Comp

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Sign up now for a fun 3 week summer social comp to start the year!  All skill levels welcome!

For something a bit different, there will be three different formats for the three weeks:

  • Competition commences 6pm. Once your opponent is there, put your names down on the whiteboard for your court of choice (first in best dressed!)
  • You will play one match each week.
  • Cost is $10 each week (pay online, or in cash/eftpos on the nights)

Week 1 - Handicap matches - every player that enters will have a ranking. You will be given a handicap depending on your level and the opponent's level. Four games played. First to 11 (sudden death at 10-10 - no need to win by two points)

Week 2 - Powerplays - Best of 5 games. Each player will start the match with Two PowerPlays which can be used at any point. Should they win a PowerPlay rally they will be awarded two points (if they lose it the opponent only gets one point).  If used at, say, 9-all, the game could be won on a PowerPlay. The player must elect to use the Powerplay before the rally begins by indicating to the referee. Both players may use powerplay at the same time.

Week 3 - Team-up timed competition - You will be paired up with another player to make a team. The format will be timed squash; each match will be 15 mins with a 2 minute break at half time.  The first pair will play off, and at the end of the first 15 min match, the other player in the team will pick up with the points from their teammate and continue on so that this is a team score at the end of the night. 

The comp runs for three consecutive Mondays, starting 22 January, and finishing 5 February. Sign up before Sunday 21 January 2024.

Registration is for the full four weeks.  Juniors - use discount code 'JUNIORDISCOUNT' when registering 

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