
Archives overview and links

As part of the 50th anniversary of the ILCA Class in 2021 ILCAVic undertook to assemble, digitise and publish newsletters, results sheets and memorabilia of the association’s activity. After appealing to members to contribute material it was apparent we had access to information relevant to the global, regional and national associations in addition to Victorian material. The material is therefore presented in these categories. Other associations are welcome to link to these files from this website and download them for their own archives. Links are also provided to archive pages of some of these related associations.

The collection is a wonderful insight to the passion of the sailors from the earliest days of the class being introduced to Australia, the rapid development of the global administration leading to International status for the Class and the debate around becoming Olympic. The newsletters reveal an often hilarious banter used to convey the joy of sailing a one design boat and passing on how to sail and how to maintain information for the benefit of all. The results sheets capture all participants, not just the winners, and provides a great insight into how all the elite sailors started well down the field and progressively moved up. Thank you to all those who have contributed the documents so far. Enjoy!

Victorian archives

Australian archives

Oceania archives

ILCA archives

Other links

NSW & ACT Laser Association

ILCA Hall of Fame

ILCA Handbook (includes top 5 results from all World Championships)
