The Victor Harbor Hockey Club, previously known as the Hindmarsh Valley Hockey Club was founded in 1976. The club has had a long and distinguished history of success and to date has won over 40 premierships which has helped us to establish ourselves as a reputable and trusted sporting organisation on the Fleurieu Peninsula. Over 400 junior members have been coached over this time with many of them still around the club taking on a big role in the further development of junior sport within the community.
In 2023, club registered 9 teams into the South Coast Hockey Association, and proudly supported 8 of our teams into the final rounds. Of these teams, we had 4 teams make the Grand Final: with our Under 17s and Victor Blue Mens teams finishing 2023 Premiers of their respective grades!
Games are played Saturdays from April to September, with training held:.
Junior Training: Wednesday nights; 4:15 - 5:30pm
Senior Training: Wednesday nights; 6:30pm - 8:00pm