Hammer Champs and Backyard Games
Sunday 5th of May 2024 saw the running of the first Victorian Hammer Championships with a combined Backyard Games. in Gisborne.
A record 23 competitors kilted up and took to the field under the watchful eyes of Matt Sandford, Fran Fitzpatrick-Sandford, Russell Devine and Craig Watson. Thanks also to Chris Holian and Russell Short for their assistance through the day.
With so many competitors, we trialled splitting the groups into two. We will fine tune this to make for a better experience for everyone. The concept was successful.
The most note worthy performance of the day was Briony Rhueben nailling an Australian Open Womens Record in the Light Hammer with a throw of 108'3". Not bad for her first attempt at the Heavy Events.
The other outstanding performance was from Matt and Fran. Setting up the fields, three trigs, having the grass in incredible shape and the implements set up, tested and ready to go. Not to mention the BBQ and social aspect that they put on after the games.
We are looking to continue the momentum we have gained and will soon be announcing a Training Day where you can get more coaching from our experts in your preferred events.