
19 & U and Open Womens Program (born 2007 and before)
Tue 30 Apr 2024 18:00 — Thu 19 Sep 2024 19:30

Event information

19 & U and Open Womens Program (born 2007 and before)


Tactical Training:

- Detailed sessions on team tactics, defensive schemes, offensive strategies, and set plays.

- Advanced drills focusing on counter-attacks, transition play, and position-specific training.

Mentorship and Leadership:

- Pair younger players with senior team members to encourage mentorship and leadership development.

- Opportunities for players to take on captaincy roles and lead team discussions on game strategy.

- Drill specific plays to enhance offensive efficiency and defensive resilience.

- Analyse opponents' play styles and develop a game plan accordingly.

Skill Refinement:

- Focus on speed and agility training to improve quick transitions and counterattacks.

- Fine-tune individual skills such as shooting under pressure and effective goalkeeping.

Competitive Environment:

- Compete in Saturday club games alongside senior players to challenge and push boundaries.

- Prepare players for regional tournaments and championships to showcase their skills and progress.


Starting Date: 30 April 2024

Training Days:                      Time:                            Location:

Tuesday                                 6:00 – 7:30 PM            UWA Pool

Thursday                               6:00 – 7:30 PM            UWA Pool

Saturday                                6:30 – 8:00 AM            HBF Diving Pool


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