Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started


Membership commences each year on the 1st of April and expires on the 31st of March the following year.

If your membership has been archived due to the VNSW Membership Rollover, you can renew your membership without needing to sign in to your revSPORT account. Please be aware that archived member profiles are inactive in revSPORT, and you cannot access your profile until you renew your membership. To learn more about the VNSW Membership Rollover please click here.

Should you wish to renew or register your membership with any Volleyball NSW Affiliated Club within Revsport:

Renewals: please click on the RETURNING MEMBER button.

New Members: please click on the NEW MEMBER button.

Members who wish to upgrade their membership can do so by logging into their revSPORT profile and selecting the UPGRADE option on the left-hand side of the profile summary.


UTS has the following categories of membership available for registration:

Full Membership Adult & U/18
Recreational Membership Adult & U/18
Technical Membership Adult & U/18
Introductory Short-Term Trial Adult & U/18

For more information about the membership structure, please refer to the VNSW website.


A variety of VNSW Membership options are available, please ensure you select the one that best fits your age category and your level of volleyball participation for the year. To learn more about Volleyball NSW memberships, please click here.

The table below provides detailed information on the VNSW Membership options.


The following information provides a detailed breakdown of the steps required to Renew or Register for VNSW memberships.

Click here to view the Membership Registration Steps table,
before proceeding with your Membership Registration.