Event information

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An afternoon of Soulful Jazz, Blues, Folk, Classic, Vocal

Headline act is: MGT Blues Trio

From novice to experienced. No age limit. No critics.

Important. Your music selection needs to be able to played as part of a group so others can join in and be mindful of our neighbours please.

So bring your instruments, voices, family and friends and join us for an afternoon of musical entertainment.

BYO food, nibbles, drinks, (plastic) glasses and chairs.

We sell soft drinks, tea and coffee and some snacks will be available for sale.

The fire will be roaring so bring your marshmallows too.


Sunday 29 July from 2pm to 5pm


Urunga Sail Training Club. Cnr Bellingen and River Sts Urunga.

Adults $10 pp 

Kids 12 and up $5

Kids under 12 free.

Family $25

Musos that get to play get a refund.

Note that our club is fully accessible and NO SMOKING on the premises.

If you need accessible parking please contact us


Table seating is limited so you need to book early.  Emailing “Booking” info@sailurunga.org.au or bring your own chairs.

Music Coordinator.

Music Groups and individuals to apply to  “Atten Music Coordinator” via facebook or emailing info@sailurunga.org.au will be given consideration.


RULES of Jam.

Important. Your music selection needs to be able to played as part of a group so others can join in and please be mindful of our neighbours in your selection. We need to keep volumes at acceptable levels.

Maximum allowable time per set is up to 3 songs within at total of 15 minutes.

There may be some solo infill during set changeovers depending on time available.

The Jam session has a Music Coordinator/Stage Manager and Sound Engineer. The Coordinator is responsible for forming combos from the jammers who have nominated.

The order placed on the board is not necessarily the order of who will play first.

The Jam Coordinator determines the order, encouraging discussion and negotiation with all jammers present to provide fair opportunity, maximum inclusion and, where possible, a varied mix.

Excess musos get first priority for following months JAMMIT

Management decisions are final.

ANY Issues must be reported to Commodore immediately.

Legitimate tutors will be able to advertise their availability via Spruiker and cards

Setup Coordinator.

To supply Amps, mics, keyboard and drum kit initially.

All participants agree to ensure the care of equipment provided.

For further info contact:

Via our USTC Facebook page

Email info@sailurunga.org.au

Or call Derek 0427115892


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