Fees and Fundraising
Registration - First installment:
Your initial online registration fee covers Hockey Australia, Hockey NSW and Hockey Coffs Coast Registration fees and should be paid via Credit Card at the time of registration.
Club Fee - Second installment:
Urunga Hockey Club Fees will be sent via email and are due two weeks from date of issue. The Urunga Hockey Club fee covers the turf hire for Games, Training and general running of Urunga Hockey Club.
Payment Plan:
We understand that sometimes there may be difficulties paying fees in one installment. To arrange a payment plan please contact the Club Treasurer.
Payment Options:
Club fees can are to be paid via Direct Bank Transfer details will be attached to the bottom of invoices.
Debtor Policy:
If you fail to pay your fees by the due date or as per arrangments made with the Treasurer you will be stood down from future matches until the fee is paid. If at the end of the season you still haven't paid you will be listed with Hockey NSW as being unfinancial and stopped from playing anywhere in NSW. If you still haven't paid 6 months after being due legal action will be initated to recover your fees, the cost of this action will also be added to your debt.
Urunga Hockey Club conducts fundraising activities to cover equipment costs (Playing shirts, balls, markers, GK equipment) and to assist with keeping our fees down. So we ask that you please assist with fundraising activities. Types of fundraising activities we have done include - Bunnings BBQ, Social Evenings, Trivia Nights, Raffles at Club Uurunga.