Flinders/Middle Mountain


Sun 26 Jan 2020 7:00 AM — 5:00 PM

Event information

This event is full.

Anton is organising a trip for this Sunday 26th.

Weather permitting of course, the plan is to dive out to Flinders Reef & Middle Mountain.  Two really good dive sites at the top of Moreton Island.

Time:  7:00am for a 7:30am departure

Location: Scarborough Boat Ramp  https://www.google.com.au/maps/place/Coast+Guard+Boat+Ramp/@-27.1946052,153.1053899,18.25z/data=!4m8!1m2!2m1!1sscarborough+boat+ramp!3m4!1s0x0:0xd97804ea7a85e804!8m2!3d-27.194031!4d153.1049336

Cost:  2x Dive tickets (1 per dive) Your share of the fuel (please bring cash)

What to bring:  Dive gear including tanks & weights, Sunscreen, hat, cold water, food, cash

Skipper:  Pete Harrison    ph:  0458 762 181

Please contact Pete from 5pm on Saturday to confirm details of the dive or call Anton  on: 0403 641 862

* Tanks & weights are available to hire at the club on Wednesday night.

** Dive tickets are also available for purchase: $25/ticket, or 5 for $100.

*** Air Fills are available for $10 or a card of 10 for $75

If you have specific questions about the trip, please contact Anton

Let's go diving!
