Nudi Shore Dive - La Balsa Park, Mooloolaba


Sat 30 Nov 2019 9:00 AM — 1:30 PM
Mooloolaba, QLD

Event information

This event is full.

The tides are right for a Nudi Hunt!!  La Balsa Park, Mooloolaba is the spot.  Nudibranch Legend, Gary Cobb regularly dives right off the shore at La Balsa Park and finds an amazing array of Nudis.  Just last Saturday, 9th Nov, he found 53 different species or nudi!!!  It's a shallow dive (5-6 mtrs), so it can be a long dive time, Vis is usually fairly poor (4-5 mtrs).  Water Temp is currently about 23°C.

High tide is 10:25am, and we will dive 1 hour before high to 1 hour after.  Aim to get to La Balsa Park around 9:00am.

You will need to bring your own everything.  (If you don't have tanks & weights, you can hire them from URGQ).  And don't forget that we have our beautiful new compressor to fill your tanks.

Cost:  Free (unless you need an airfill, or to hire tanks & weights)

We might grab lunch at a pub nearby afterwards, to compare Nudi tales