Straddie Shark Spectacular


Sun 15 Sep 2019 7:00 AM — 4:00 PM

Event information

This event has passed.


There are Sharks aplenty at Straddie at the moment, the sun is shining, the days are warm.  What other excuse do you need...let's go diving! 


Date:    Sunday 15th September

Depart:  Manly Boat Ramp

Time:      7am for a 7:30am Departure

Dives:     Depending on the conditions there will be 2 dives which could be at Shag Rock, Flat Rock or Manta Bommie.  This is up to the Skipper's judgement on the day.

Cost:       1 Dive Ticket per dive, plus a share of the fuel cost

What to Bring:   All Dive Gear including Tanks (URGQ has 3 tanks available to hire, please contact the club for details)

                               Water/Snacks  for Surface Interval

What we need:  Paul Harrison has volunteered to Skipper on the day.

                              Helpers to wash the boat after the trip

                              You...  We need at least 4 divers to make this trip happen, so sign on today

