Flinders Reef / Curtain Artificial Reef


Sat 04 Nov 2023 9:00 AM — 5:30 PM
Brisbane City

Event information

This event is full.

Trip - Diver 1 4th November 2023. - Flinders Reef / Curtain Artificial Reef (weather dependent)


High tide is 2pm on Saturday with a nice small tide for a good opportunity to dive Curtin Artificial Reef, If the weather is ok we will punch out to Flinders Reef (TBD).


Depart: 09:00 am Shorncliffe Public Boat Ramp

Dive: Flinders Reef / Curtain Artificial Reef (weather dependent)

Return: 17:30 pm

Depart: URGQ Shed 19:00 latest.


This trip is weather dependent and the departure location and timing may change slightly (not much) depending on the prevailing weather on the Friday / Saturday before the trip.


You will need

- Dive Gear (including weights).

- 2x Tanks.

- 2x Dive Tickets.


Any questions get in touch


Kind regards

Dave B




By signing up for this event, you are acknowledging that you are medically fit to dive, and will dive within your certification level.